Here is the big time post on BGG:
that link/thread has a rules document for my new card/dice behemoth called Chon-Illogical. The concept? You collect historical figures and items but temporal fluxes might destroy them.
ChronIllogical uses a 5d6 engine for resource points generation with a kick: big time power cards (non-collectable format) cost you one of your Clock dice to a common pool Once the pool hits critical mass, all dice are rolled on a "Paradox" and many cards played to the table may be destroyed.
I need some help with the following:
1) Anyone who can give some good jumping off for non-US/non-Euro history, especially ancient stuff-- and
2) Writers for cards. I have some ready, but with two kids and a crazy job, my writing down-time is hard to come by.
My first set, the roll-out if you will (dice pun gleefully intended), is the big names, really. Venus of Wallendorf through Wikipedia, 4.5 Billion years of history in 200 cards.
I like that the African/Meso-Americans can port in kind of like how the MTG storyline goes off the rails sometimes for other planes, a la Ravnica or Homelands. That's how I intend to treat their histories. The Alpha-Female one was another expansion planned; again, WAY ahead of myself here, but still good to have an eye out and answer ready for that kind of criticism.
So wanna help me write some stuff?