As well as finishing one of my games to publish at the end of this year, I am also thinking about future games to produce early next year. One of my ideas is for a exploration game from the Columbus period. Since its a card game I needed some sort of component to go with it to represent a player's ship/colony/resources. So, here's my idea(currently dubbed "segment cards"). In the deck of cards there are special cards that are divided into three parts. These cards have "cut" lines that separate the different parts. When people buy the game, they simply cut along these lines to form simple, but elegant components. Most cards would be separated into three parts, but some would be only two.
Some of you may ask this question: "Why would smaller cards improve game play?". Well using this system would reduce any costs our company could run into during the production step. Also, if players needed a way to see where their colonies are located, smaller cards that can fit on standard sized cards are the obvious choice(for a game without counters/chits/wooden bits)!
So here's my question. Do any of you think this idea would sell? What are the pros and cons of this idea? Would you personally like this concept?
Thank you for your help/suggestions on my previous topic, the ideas you all gave were great!