A quick summary of the design design process could be defined in 3 steps
1-Conception: Get an idea and try to find the right mechanics to make the game work with the desired theme. At this step, little testing is done.
2-Design: Create the game by finding the right mechanics until the game is playable. At the end, the game will be boring, unbalanced or buggy but it will be playable with real players.
3-Refining: Playtest the game with real people to improve the mechanics of the game to avoid unwanted issues and make the game fun.
For step 1, I have no problem at all. I generally can come up with some good idea on how to implement a particular theme.
For step 3, I still have no problem because I am used to design variants. So making modification to improve a game is actually one of my strength.
But for step 2, all my design get stuck there. After the initial concept is done, I play test, make a few changes, test again to realise it does not work much better and stop the process. In order to continue, I must wait more than a year until I finally stumble on an idea and try to test it, then I will eventually get stuck again until the new idea comes in a year later.
Now the problem is that the game design is too early to be playable with real players. So I cannot playtest the game with real people and ask for comments. So I get in a situation where all my game ideas are stuck at the same place without really progressing. I don't really mind if some ideas progress faster than other but when they progress once a year, it's really annoying. Here are some example (you can skip the examples if you want):
Dragon realms: It's a game where each player controls an clan of dragon for the domination of the world. Problem, the combat resolution between dragons that are resolved as duels end up being a dice fest with almost no strategy. More than 1 year later, I recently realized that I could use a fighting game card combat mechanic to resolve duels. Not tested yet, but still found me more than a year to stumble on that idea that could still not work in the end.
Deep Space Colonization: Players colonize a stellar system and the goal is to build up colonies faster than the other players to finish the construction of their interstellar colony ship. The latest idea was to use a San Juan card system to place buildings on a planet and develop technologies. The problem is that San Juan buildings modifies the effect of roles(action) played, but in my game, there are not enough actions and there is not enough possible permutations to design a good amount of buildings. Finally, placing buildings on multiple planets is much more annoying than in San Juan where all buildings are simply in the player's area. So I will probably need to replace the San Juan card mechanic by something else, so I suspended the project until I found a solution.
Rats Craft: Concept of the game, a parody of Starcraft board game consisting of rats faction invading a house while the family is in vacation. Rats try to control various rooms for resources while the cats are guarding the corridors. I have a mobility problem. Because a player starts by breaching a room, in a 3 player game where there are 4 rooms, it create the effect where each player camp their starting room. Even if rooms can accommodate the presence of 2 or 3 players, there is no reason to move to other rooms because either the presence of other player is intimidating (he have 10 rats in his room, I will not move there), or moving through the corridors is risky (cats are waiting to bite). Finally, I cannot test the game with real people considering that I don't have designed the units for the combat resolution, so I am currently improvising the combat results on the fly.
According to my girlfriend it could be due to an improvisation problem. I might be able to get around for data design by using for example number sequence to setup unit stats or assigning random value. But when it's about trying and combining mechanics, I fail to improvise.
I remember that in my game Fallen Kingdoms, I had no idea what to use for intimidation so I tried to mix and match various system. But the difference is that the rest of the game was working. I had a map, production and combat system making the game playable. So I only needed to add 1 mechanic, but when you do not have a working core, it's a bit harder to mix and match mechanics.
So I am trying to find solutions and I am writing this message to get additional suggestions. What I found so far is.
1. Develop sub system: If a game could be split in a sub system, design and make functional sub system for the game so that after designing a few sub-system, you would get a somewhat working core making it easier to mix and match mechanics later.
2. Random Mix and Match: Select a random game in my closet and borrow 1 mechanic from that game and try to use it in my game. See the results and repeat the process until the right mechanic is found.
3. Brain storm needs: Try to list criteria that would be required for the mechanic and try to isolate the mechanics that would fulfill best those needs.
If you have any other solutions or working method, please let me know.
Mirror Threads
Thank for the reply, I'll take a look at the book you mentioned, might order it in my next book order.
As for rats craft, I did not realized that was the reason for unit limit in the original game. I thought of something similar by having a room limit where the most populous player gets kicked out first so you could send in unit to pop out your opponents unit.
Which leads to another method not mentioned: using BGDF. When I am stuck, I often ask for help on forums.
"This solution also used the very powerful problem solving of analogy: although being unique can be good, it is valuable to look at how similar systems have solved their problems."
True, but sometimes, you do not know what were the original problem they had, so you don't know that a certain mechanic in a game is actually a solution to the same problem as you.
As for sub-system, in the case of Ratscraft, I was thinking more of designing only the combat system and ignore the rest of the game. When the combat system works and is solid, I have something ready to work with.