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Helping in making a video game

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
About the MAPS

I really think that's a COOL idea. I know you're not involved with all the design and such... But I like sharing my thoughts, sometimes I hope it helps people I reply to.

Each EXTENDED MAP would cost $0.99 USD. Make it relatively inexpensive micro transaction.

Why? Because the GENIUS of this is players will be paying for the SAME content across different account/logins. In English, pls. Say you are Player #1 and you want Map #10 ... You BUY Map #10. But every other player wants to add Map #10, they too need to pay $0.99 USD for the map.

If you've got a MILLION players. And they each BUY Map #10 that's $1M in revenue ... Geez... Your guy is a GENIUS. And that's only for ONE (1) MAP. Same goes for all the EXTENDED MAPs in the game.

For the Music... I would make it like 100,000 Active Players UNLOCKS "+2" Musical songs and then 250,000 Active Player UNLOCKS "+3" Musical songs, etc. Something to encourage MORE players being active. I don't see the NEED to for CHARGING $$$ for this to work. Make it all about getting more ACTIVE players...

You know, I would only do MAPS TBH. I explained WHY. Music to encourage more players. Skins... IDK. It's tough to model more stuff, it takes a lot of time for the ART DEPARTMENT to make skins of units.

I think the EXTENDED MAPS is a great idea. And a micro transaction too... $0.99 USD per map. 100 Maps and ... well maybe then he can pay you from "profits". Ha ha.

100 Maps by 1M Players = $100M in revenue... Ok this sounds SERIOUS enough. Congratulations on finding a good stream of income. This could actually work.

One note... You would need to KEEP all MAP-related content on the BACK-END and not the CLIENT (SmartPhone). This is good if you buy a NEW Phone, you don't LOSE the MAPS that you purchased and furthermore since MAPS are your "Bread & Butter" it avoids people hacking the files on the CLIENT (the cellphone). Any ways you need to have a LOGIN anyhow... Just the MAPS (IMHO) need to remain on the SERVER-SIDE.

Otherwise if they are on the CLIENT, people would hack the data files until the find the MAP files and then distribute them FREE on the Internet or Dark Web... Or some illegal website that shares copyright content (like BitTorrent), etc.

Best of luck ... Keep us informed and update as to the progress made by this project/venture.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
MP3 Jukebox

Maybe you could allow the HACKERS to be happy too. What I mean is instead of just using music made for the game... On the Mobile Device, you could have a folder called "Jukebox" and have like 5 MP3s song files... And a HACK could be ADDING any TYPE OF MUSIC (RAP, SOUL, BLUES, POP, etc.) other MP3 files to that folder and the game will SHUFFLE and PLAY those songs too.

Could be GREAT for all those HACKERS who feel the need to break things to figure out how they work. That would be amazing... And you still could offer DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT when updating the App/Game Version whenever you reach more players playing (or how ever else the BOSS MAN wants...)

But it's always cool to add something people can HACK... Don't document it... But secretly you know you can listen to ANY SONG you like and the "Jukebox" will shuffle through the songs (MP3s) on the SmartPhone...


Note #1: In the "Jukebox" folder you could have a FILE called "Playlist.dat" and it contains only a "." as data (meaning use the current folder) and if you add a second line to your other location on the phone for your MP3 files ... This way you don't need to COPY files, just ADD locations to the "Playlist.dat" file. Might be a smarter way to do it.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote:But would it

questccg wrote:
But would it be possible to PLAY with YOUR FRIENDS??? Some people like to do this... Or with relatives and such. Is there a way to CHOOSE YOUR OPPONENT(s)?


questccg wrote:
Some $$$ for more maps is a good idea. Songs... Well you need a good musical composer for that. Skins are purely "aesthetics", right?
Lot's of players paying for skins in Starcraft 2.

questccg wrote:
Ha ha... Yeah ... Sometimes some of your "boardgame language" could be quite challenging and need some explanation. No harm in that. We have open dialogs!


questccg wrote:
Can you UNLOCK stuff in the game (by grinding)??? Is there a Tech-Tree?? And how do they plan to progress in terms of Commander Points?

Depends on what you understand from the word grinding.
Doing tedious tasks everyday like watching 2 commercials. Open 2 other crates. Go into the game and defeat ai 1 time. Stuff like that? Then NO.

There will be a tech tree.
Good that you mention it.
For now, a sandbox variant would be tested first.
Once the game is playable.

questccg wrote:
Just curious. But I like the mentality: "core" FREE, extras $$$.

Yes. The main point of this game is that it is created by gamers, for gamers.
Everyone always had idea's on how things could be better.
They are kinda getting a chance with this.

There is also a map editor.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Oh right

There is a micro payment somewhere that is not used in any other game.
Kinda an idea that we together came up with.

But this too is top secret. Sorry, can't spill it all.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Learned a new thing yesterday

I always seek balance.
But some games need a certain balancer that other games do not.

One of those are that I use a cover system in my board game.
Yet in RTS, you just blast that support unit to bits.
Or you completely ignore a wall.

The most extreme case would be the rocket soldier from C&C td.
This guy is great in damage. But you might as well use 3 minigunners to take down structures.

Against the ai, no problem

Either way. I knew about some balancing methods for years now.

And while I thought one way would be perfect.
Some testing showed me that another way would be better.

I made a new tab...again. And started changing the formula's that are influenced. It should be slightly simpler now.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
That all sounds cool...

X3M wrote:
There will be a tech tree. Good that you mention it. For now, a sandbox variant would be tested first. Once the game is playable...

One thing that I wanted to mention with a Tech Tree... Is that in some games, the time taken to "research" a Tech could take DAYS to complete. While there are options of a "God-Mode" ($$$) which allows you to INSTANTLY complete the research given that you have enough Command Points until this "God-Mode" ends. In some games it's like the first 5 or 7 days... You just start playing and everything seems so EASY. Until "God-Mode" ends and then you have to GRIND for Commander Points and Tech Research can take from HOURS to DAYS to complete.

X3M wrote:
There is also a map editor.

I don't know how I feel about this. I mean it's good for the Developers to make a bunch of COOL MAPS... But if it were ME, I would not make this "extra" available to players. Especially if you are planning to have micro transactions for MAPS and such.

Again just my own take on things... Variants are charge for the editor ($1.99 USD) and be downloadable from the Play Store. If you do give access to players well then there may be TOO MUCH content and it could be hard to know GOOD levels from CRAPPY ones. Anyhow, neither here-nor-there.

You guys do whatever you feel is best in this context. And for the secret micro transaction, it's ok... You can keep it secret. It's nothing that will impact my understanding about what you guys are developing.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Upload some screenshots...

When you have a playable prototype... Would be so COOL to have some NEWS regarding the progress of this project/venture. Just so that we can have some kind of "sneak-peek" into the looking-glass.

Would be AWESOME! Maybe like 1 or 2 screenshots (GUI/Menus & Combat/Units).

Just so we can see how amazing this game will TRULY be...

Cheers @Ramon.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
What we are seeking

- People that want to work on the game.
- People that want to fund the work on the game.

Not sure about the second one.
But the first one starts to make more sense now in the long run.

People that live anywhere on the planet can join in and help. That is a separate group from his main company.
The people at his company kinda do the managing work. Thus putting the bits and pieces together.

So far, I found one guy who I know from years ago. He is going to make models in Unity. But is still following courses on other programs. He will be communicating with me.


Right, the game.
What you can do is go to my YT channel.
I got a playlist about this new game.
In the description of this playlist, you can find a list of Youtubers that want to talk about the game.
Each one of them provides more info.

But we all want viewers to ask the right questions.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Most of those Links/URLs don't work

X3M wrote:
Right, the game. What you can do is go to my YT channel. I got a playlist about this new game.

In the description of this playlist, you can find a list of Youtubers that want to talk about the game. Each one of them provides more info.

But we all want viewers to ask the right questions.

FATSQUATCH GAMES by searching in YouTube brought me to his channel and talks about the February 1st 2023 official announcement. You said there were NO BASES, in his video he says there are 3 Bases: Water, Land and Air. This signals to me a RPS (Rock-Paper-Scissor) Mechanic which is COOL!!!

I will search for the others to see if they have OTHER information about the game.

Siegsauer66 shows preview of the 3 BASES (2 uncompleted) and talks about the CLANS and the maximum limit of 100 members. Cool too! He also talks about the February 1st 2023 official announcement via FATSQUATCH GAMES.

The others were Hispanic and Arabic... So no point in my listening to those playlists/videos.

Thanks for the link... At least now I know to be aware for February 1 2023!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
No worries...

X3M wrote:
- People that want to work on the game. People that live anywhere on the planet can join in and help. That is a separate group from his main company. The people at his company kinda do the managing work. Thus putting the bits and pieces together.

So far, I found one guy who I know from years ago. He is going to make models in Unity. But is still following courses on other programs. He will be communicating with me.

Well I looked into the YouTubers and got some extra information. But TBH I doubt I will PLAY this game... I'm more into Turn-Based games like "Heroes of Might and Magic 3" or Card Games (as I work on another project)... But I'm curious about the content that will be revealed on February 1st 2023. I will tune in just to see what is happening.

BTW I don't have much to ADD... I've shared my ideas with YOU. So I don't think I can contribute more to this project/game than I already have. If I think up more ideas, I'll let YOU know. But the game seems pretty advanced...

So no worries. Like I said I've given input to YOU and you know what they are doing... so that's about as much as I can contribute.

But I'll see what gets revealed on the 1st.


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I'm a bit curious...

I've never Developed Video Games and especially not on Unity. But I was wondering there is no LOGIN screen?! I mean usually a player needs to create an account and then LOGIN to the account to get his assets and hardware. How do you manage the "accounts" without a LOGIN???

I mean are there KEYS in the background which are unique per mobile phone???

I also know that since it is going to be launched on Steam TOO... That must mean that the PC is an option also.

Just curious about the TECHNICAL details. Because in the Video the YouTubers all state that the first menu allows you to go to your HQ or Battle, etc. I never saw a LOGIN screen...


Note #1: I've seen other Mobile Games use a UID ... But I was wondering how apps from difference platforms PLAY NICE with each other: Apple, Android and Steam...? UID generation is unique to each platform???

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
FATSQUATCH says "Daily Rewards"!

You have to DECODE the "Symbols" on either side of the Main Menu to reveal the "Daily Rewards". That sounds VERY COOL TOO...

I might play if just to see HOW that WORKS!

That's something real NEAT TBH. I have no clue what those SYMBOLS mean... But I'm definitely drawn to learning more from the COMMUNITY.

CLANS of 100 Members also sounds pretty SERIOUS too. Who knows, maybe I'll accord some of my daily life to this RTS if I can get into one of the starter CLANS ... Like how about YOU @Ramon??? Will you be playing and making videos??

Or just contributing to the game only? Very curious about this NEW product!

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote:Like how about

questccg wrote:
Like how about YOU @Ramon??? Will you be playing and making videos??

Well.... this is a given :D

I always loved, being defeated at my own game.
It would mean, i created a good game, since I get defeated. That is what a game means for me. I make the rules, someone beats me by digging through those rules.

Either way, yeah, no bases at first.
The main HQ can be chosen. Those players can specialize in their field.
Although, naval and ground are 1 on 1.
But the air covers both. I think those players are the allround players. The other 2 are more RPS based on terrain configuration, if you know what I mean.

And yeah, RTS is Real Time. lol

Happy you started searching and googling

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Meat and Support

I always looked at how meat and support work in RTS games. And that support is kinda screwed if they don't have sufficient attack range.
It also happens if their RPS effect is low, they are kinda being the weak spot.

In some games, you can see that the more they are meat or support. The cheaper they are.

Yet. If you don't do this.... and you set a mechanic that the frontline get's hit first. The synergy actually increases the total effect.

Thus, a normal body + weapon would do as calculation for the costs of an unit.

The synergy factor for a meat and support is exactly 3 for a 50-50 unit used twice. The player shoots the first. Then the second.

When looking at an infinite high ammount of damage, thus close to 0 health. And vice versa for the frontline. Well, the limit result of that would show a synergy of 4.


I have no idea how to calculate the "cheaper" version of units. It is entirely going to depend on the players and what they design.

I have 2 main options:

Square root of the body times weapon. And then averaged with the normal calculation. Thus considering a 50% situation where the support ends up alone. And of course 50% situation where the support is being covered.
The synergy starts crawling up. But of course, the risk is getting higher as well.

Any overkill effect is multiplied by 50%. I also tried other percentages on the overkill. Turns out, walls aren't cheaper this way. And I have to stick close to 100% multiplying if I want a little more damage not to make the support unit stronger.

The latter shows that support being alone can actually overkill the right RPS targets. This is actually bad. The costs calculation could potentially bring forth nice round numbers (which I love). I guess, I have to stick with the first one.

We can still tweak the first factor. But 0% part would mean 100% price for a 1:4 units.
50% turns this into 90%.
0% turns this into 80%. But walls would cost nothing...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Not tweaking it

Ok, turns out, there is actually overkill possible once I tweak it. Still, it is only a few percentage. Which is ok. But they already can provide in synergy too. So a no go.

In other news. Started making the table longer now. Meaning I am adding all possible adjustments/modifications to the bodies and adjustments/attachments to the weaponry.

Once the adjustments/attachments to the weaponry are done. I will fix the upgrades for these too.
Maybe making a new tab to keep track of the costs as well for the research and the upgrades.

I discovered an issue in regards to movement speed and armor piercing adjustments. This could get a fix.

I also need to fix the vision upgrade. It is somehow a bit too expensive atm. Don't want to make it overkill though. Somewhere I need to fix a lineair factor. Not one of the squared and kubic ones.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

questccg wrote:
You have to DECODE the "Symbols" on either side of the Main Menu to reveal the "Daily Rewards". That sounds VERY COOL TOO...

I might play if just to see HOW that WORKS!

It could be rather simple: one of the symbols "glows" and you CLICK on it... And then the NEXT symbol "glows" until maybe eight (8) symbols, four (4) from each side are clicked... And that could unlock the "Daily Reward".

Something SIMPLE like that and still very cool... It can change each day and maybe there could be a "Message" from the Alien Race too... Like "We're watching you..." or "Beware of our dominance...", etc.

Just in case... This is what I thought about when it came to "decoding the alien language".


Note #1: It's not unlocking the mysteries of the game ONLY a "Daily Reward". I know this seems very (maybe too) easy ... But it's just something FUN (a mini puzzle sorta). Some people will never even care, but others who may wonder: "Why is one symbol GLOWING and the others not?! Hmm..."

It's pretty trivial to code (I bet)... If you know what you are doing. But my bet is the symbols are objects already, making one GLOW is probably an effect that can made in Unity... And then it's a matter of sequencing.

Something NOT too overly complexe like that...

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
X3M wrote: I discovered an

X3M wrote:

I discovered an issue in regards to movement speed and armor piercing adjustments. This could get a fix.
Talked this over with the big guy. While using different bullets mean a slight difference in movement speed. If we add a piercing effect, it has been decided: no change in movement speed.

A new chapter is almost there. Designing the next body.
I decided to begin with the buggy.

So far, the research that I can think of have been based on:
- Engine (every body gets this)
A replacement of the boots. But a mech can get both.
- Shields (every body gets this)
- The wheels
- Armor (every body gets this)
- Something to tweak the health and make the body a bit lighter (every body gets this)
- Some sort of Radar (every body gets this)
- Drone for higher vision (every body gets this)

The only unique thing to the buggy are the wait, they are also like the boots. Although, the wheels will also give a bit more health.

The thing with statistics is.... you only give different names. But combining certain statistics will always return to the research list.
The simple combinations are used the most.

More health

More movement
More movement and health

More armor
More armor and health (planned for the tanks)
More armor and movement
More armor, health and movement (planned for the tracks)

More vision
More vision and health (not used yet)
More vision and movement (not used yet)
More vision and armor
More vision, health and movement (not used yet)
More vision, health and armor (not used yet)
More vision, health, movement and armor (not used yet)

14 options in total:
7 options used.
2 options planned.
5 options not used

Actually, I could choose from 7 options to add to the buggy.
Or make another double one.

Idea's are always welcome.


In regards to your idea. I don't know what the Big guy has planned. But supposedly, you can earn translaters as reward or something like that. Then a complete code will be visible.
The player can then use this code for a reward.


And multiple weaponry on units.
Right now, in the weapons department.
But I have to add this to the body department.

I have yet to think of transformation.
But the choice of the right weapon is also something that I need to implement in my table.

And I still need to think of what to do with having multiple choices for the unit.
Would be sweet if I allow soldiers to carry 2 weapons. And they automatically use the right weapon.
Perhaps, I should discuss this with the big guy. And simply keep the calculation simple. 50% for the cheaper weapon. While the player needs to make the decision for the unit.

It could be possible that a super anti infantry weapon does more damage than a anti tank weapon.

Thought of something. Will come back on that later.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Multiple weapons and choices

We can't have a multi launcher on an infantry unit.

But we do use heavy weapons.

I will look at the tiers of the weapons.
Tier 1, is 1 point
Tier 2, is 1.5 points
Tier 3, is 2 points
Tier 4, is 2.5 points
Tier 5, is 3 points

Let's look at tier 1, 3 and 5.
Which are 1, 2 and 3 points.

Each unit can carry 1 weapon.
As said before, the unit can be upgraded to carry more weapons.
Or better said, points.

A tier 1 unit will be starting with 1 point. And can be upgraded to 2 points.
I will be having other infantry bodies. Which could be a bit mechanized. Thus starting with more points. But only getting that one upgrade.
So, tier 1 bodies:
1-2 points
2-3 points
3-4 points

Now we look at what we can do with the weapons.
If there are points left, the unit can carry 1 more weapon.
The first tier 1 unit can carry only 1 weapon of either tier 1, 3 or 5.
Once upgraded, it can carry 2 weapons. If the first weapon is a tier 1, then any other weapon can be added.

The second tier 1 unit can already start with this ability.
But can be upgraded to have 3 points. Thus have a tripple version of the anti infantry weapon.
Then, if it is only a double barreled version. One more weapon can be carried. Obviously picking the same tier, but different design will lead to choices. And perhaps 1 choice is completely invalid.
Either way, this soldier can now carry a second weapon, if the primairy weapon is a tier 3.

The third tier 1 unit starts with 3 points. This soldier can be "mechanized" and carry something on the back to use the big stuff.
4 points allows for a lot of combinations.
A quad gun of tier 1.
A tripple version of tier 1 with a second weapon.
A dual version of tier 1 with a second weapon, which can be another dual version of tier 1.
A single version of tier 1 again. But this time, the second weapon can be a dual version of tier 3.
As for the tier 3 weapons.
1 of tier 3 allows for a dual of tier 1 or 1 tier 5.
2 of tier 3 doesn't allow more. You really need to start with a lower point than the max first.
1 of tier 5 allows for 1 of any other tier. This means, this soldier can get 2 anti tank weapons.

The vehicles and tanks can get even higher levels.
Some weapons simply look bigger, like the cannons. Other weapons will show multiple launchers. I will look at the maximum points per body to get some sort of balanced feeling.

Vehicles; 2 to 4 points, 3 to 6 points and 4 to 8 points.
Tanks; 3 to 6 points, 4,5 to 9 points and 6 to 12 points.

By the way, even if a tank can have the maximum number of points filled. It is still allowed to only give it 1 pistol.
Fun fact, it is possible to have units without weapons.
Special tools by missions would be freely added.

As for that 4,5.... well, in a farther future. We will be adding tier 2, 4 and 6 weapons. These have the point system of 1,5 2,5 and 3,5.

Ok, what can we get for a tier 5 tank of the biggest ammount of points. Thus 12 points.

4 Tier 5. Thus a quad cannon.
6 Tier 3. That is a decent launcher indeed.
12 Tier 1. Looks like a lot of infantry will be mowed down now.

I could make it so that a multiple launch system does have some cooldown between 2 missiles. Thus making the weapon cheaper than expected (which is also cheaper).
Examples, where between the missiles, there is 250 milliseconds:
1 missile, salvo size is 5 seconds
2 missiles, salvo size is 5,25 seconds
6 missiles, salvo size is 6,5 seconds

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013

Now we get in an area where I have trouble.
I already spended years on my board game.
But perhaps I got the answer.

We have 2 options. Either we force the player to choose themselves.
And in case of having overkill on the points. This part is going to be a choice either way.

Or we make the game do this automatically.


Option 1, the costs is 50% of the cheapest weapon added tot the total costs. Only... the costs.

Option 2...
We have to do this as fair as possible.
The highest damage should be used.
This means that only for the attack range that they share, there is a choice.
But ehm. We got 3 accuracies this time. But that is ok, average damage goes.
But ehm. We also got salvo fire. And honestly, if an unit shoots fast and thus has a longer cooldown. While another weapon has a higher charge. This is very complex. And the best damage will switch places constantly.

I think I have to decide that the units that have to switch weaponry by force. Or there is a choice. It will mean that this is a semi transformation.
This will be manually by the player.
The cheapest weapon will cost only 50%.
Units start by using their primairy weapon.
And switching takes 5 seconds.

Not sure how to do the transformation where a body will switch dimensions and/or movement speed. This too should be more expensive.

And if it is fair play, only the advancements should add to the costs. And perhaps, the advancements are partly used as calculating the transform time.

So. Even though I could dodge the weaponry issue. I still got the body issue.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Into the bin

Right. So the whole point system sounded great and all. But is deemed a little bit too complex for players.
So, I need to make this simpler.

Not sure, how...

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

X3M wrote:
Right. So the whole point system sounded great and all. But is deemed a little bit too complex for players. So, I need to make this simpler.

Not sure, how...

Start with something like "Power Creep". Do you want TOP Players to be HARDER to BEAT??? I think this makes sense as a "Commander Progression" so this means that the TOTAL POINTS that you can use to make a brigade (or squad) goes up with more experience. So each brigade has "MAX" TOTAL POINTS to be built.

(Notice how I start from the TOP and move DOWNWARDS, while you do the opposite and start on the BOTTOM - Unit level and try to move UPWARDS...)

Establish a brigade minimum of UNITS: five (5) sounds good to me. (Whatever you prefer)

And then allow players to work on UNIT design... Whatever their desires want. Forget about BALANCE and allow players to make all kinds of kinky stuff. Pimp out tanks that are super-powerful but super slow (for example).

I think you best model is REALITY. Like if the Tank has EXTRA ARMOR is it slower... For example. And I was watching some vids online and they were talking about Tank Models and why some are SLOWER and others FASTER but "weaker"...

Also you could CAP the MAXIMUM number of units too: ten (10) sounds good to me. (Whatever you prefer).

Something like that. Don't try to BALANCE everything. That will make a BORING game. You need to allow for "far-fetched" units if you want FUN to increase and make some super-powerful Tank that has surface-to-air missiles in addition to a machine gun turret that can blow away infantry, etc.

It it's too RESTRICTIVE it's going to be too predictable and MAYBE (I say maybe) too boring. Figure out the rules and then let players BREAK them.


Note #1: Another source of INSPIRATION can be Mechwarrior and FASA Mech Units. I remember customizing those babies like 20 YEARS AGO! Damn those PPC guns were powerful but generated a LOT of "Heat"... Plus you needed some missiles too when the heat level was too high. Missiles didn't produce much heat but you had a limited supply (like 8 or 10 of them). And then you could have a Machine Gun Turret which was also low heat but you had a limited amount of ammo rounds (like 250 rounds or something like that).

That could MAYBE give you some things to dissect and help pave the way for a more solid foundation for the game. Just a thought!

Note #2: My method is use a BODY (Base) of a variety of units and then ADD weapons... Base it all on points (not 1 or 2... More like 100 points for a Buggy and 200 points for a Tank) and then add stuff... The weight of the Unit could determine how SLOW or FAST it is (something simple). And you need like 5 Units minimum to make a brigade... Depending on your Commander Points... etc.

Note #3: That's sort of what Mechwarrior and FASA Mechs do... You get a BODY (Mech) and it has a max weight, all the weapons you add require more weight, the more weight, the slower the unit.

Like I said... Look at Mechwarrior et al.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Specialization vs. Generalization

Your Tech Tree ... I would make it Specialization. What I mean is that you choose what to RESEARCH but you can't research it ALL. You need to make DECISIONS which will affect the units that you can customize and the systems that you may be able to add.

This is the opposite of Civilization which is Generalization. You are required to research as much as possible. And every thing is a pre-requisite to the next Tech Level (achievement)...

Doing Specialization will make the game much more REPLAYABLE. And it could even MERIT starting from the VERY beginning again just so you can SPECIALIZE DIFFERENTLY in this attempt.

Stuff like that is super important to ensure players want to TRY again... Because they didn't really know what they were doing the FIRST time around.

Cheers @Ramon.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
More about the Tech Tree

Advancing along the Tech Tree ... Could be UNKNOWN like reality. But each time you complete RESEARCH you have like "4 Options":

1. Research Firepower (Attack)

2. Research Resistance (Defense)

3. Research Tactics (Formations)

4. Research Systems (Engineering)

The TREE could be FIXED in that IF you make ALL the SAME choices, you'll get the same upgrades, weaponry and defense as another play-thru.

But ALSO make the TREE A SECRET!

That will add HUGE VALUE... And make getting COOL Upgrades MORE SURPRISING and unpredictable too. This will make all kinds of COMMUNITY CHATTING and discussing how and why(?) to do research in all different ways.

I thing this is MUCH BETTER than showing all the Techs and their advancement and what you need to research to get what. In RL we don't know what research will BRING. Yeah we have ideas of what people are researching but the break-through are sometimes UNEXPECTED much like sometimes the RESULTS are unpredictable too.

Anyhow... That's my 5 cents in the matter.

Note #1: STAGES: There could be 5 stages to research. At each stage you choose ONE (1) of the different "4" choices from above. The combinations are: 4^5 = 1024 possible advancements.

How many are possible in the game ... IDK! But maybe you can get 128 out of 1024 ... Or something like that. That would mean 1/8th of the Tech Tree is what a player can expect to achieve while playing.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Last thought (for now...)

If you can SELL or TRADE Units... Well then this becomes KEY! Since not everyone can specialize in EVERYTHING ... You can TRADE some of your Tech Tree Upgraded Units for OTHER "Tech Tree Upgraded Units" to complement YOUR Brigade and team of units.

Just a last thought ... You've got a bunch of things to examine and think about.


Note #1: If you go the EASY-ROUTE and choose:

F x F x F x F x F = F^5 = Two-Stage Armor Piercing Bullets. The bullets will shred thru Tanks. And require less rounds to destroy a Tank.

So EASY things like that are "PRACTICAL" but not as CREATIVE as something like:

S x T x F x F x S = Napalm Incendiary Technology for All Units. Excellent to rid yourself of Infantry. Burn everything to a "crisp".

Something more "EXOTIC" and more creative!

Note #2: This could be very useful in TRADING. Because if you can build "Two-Stage Armor Piercing Gunners" (a form of Infantry), you could TRADE these units for something else that you have not yet researched (and might never know the combination to that technology)... Sure people are going to want to DOCUMENT it and then it all becomes KNOWN (Not Secret anymore). But anyhow you get the general IDEA.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Oh, I should have specified what i meant with point system

We don't want super weapons on simple soldiers.
That is the whole point.


Still, we want the little simple soldiers to have some version of a super weapon.

Well, I did think of a new system.

While keeping the body points, which are upgradable.
The weapons are going to be designed for their respectable tier.

Each weapon will be costing points as well.
Probably the same costs for the tiers.
So, 1, 2 and 3.

Either way, the damage is simply going to be a set of the points the weapon costs. The assault rifle will cost 1 and does 50 damage.
Once the light infantry can have 2 points. The assault rifle damage can be doubled.

A buggy starts at 2. And can thus have the same weapon now. But eventually would reach level 4.
Upgrades for damage follow the same effect.

I can also add side effects, like more attack range.
Or a slightly longer salvo, maybe with more shots.
Only to give the weapons a bit of an exponential or taming effect when a higher level is used.
Each weapon their own.

If a weapon with tier 3 is designed. A 1/3th version should be possible in terms of damage. Thus a multi rocket launch system would get a chibi version when used on a light infantry.

The smallest tank would start with 3. But can also get a 1 or 2 pointer.

Anyway, back to the assault rifle.
It starts with 50 damage and shoots 3 bullets in 2 seconds.
It has an attack range of 5.
It has only 1 point.
The biggest unit with the most upgrades will be having 12 points. This means that 12 assault rifles are going to be combined. That is decent and will be roughly 600 in costs on a balanced unit. Thus the balanced unit costs 1200. That is a nice number.
Still, I could say that the rifle's are going to get +0,5 attack range per level. Thus 5+5,5=10,5
And the salvo would grow with 0,1 second per level, thus 2+1,1=3,1

The costs wouldn't change that much. But it would be noticable.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote: Start with

questccg wrote:

Start with something like "Power Creep". Do you want TOP Players to be HARDER to BEAT??? I think this makes sense as a "Commander Progression" so this means that the TOTAL POINTS that you can use to make a brigade (or squad) goes up with more experience. So each brigade has "MAX" TOTAL POINTS to be built.
not my department.

questccg wrote:
And then allow players to work on UNIT design... Whatever their desires want. Forget about BALANCE and allow players to make all kinds of kinky stuff. Pimp out tanks that are super-powerful but super slow (for example).
We have 4 main groups. A body, body modifications, a weapon, weapon modifications.
I am currently adding a level to the weapons. And each unit can carry only 2 weapons. The total points never exceeding the body points.

questccg wrote:
I think you best model is REALITY. Like if the Tank has EXTRA ARMOR is it slower... For example. And I was watching some vids online and they were talking about Tank Models and why some are SLOWER and others FASTER but "weaker"...
Already got this :)
Seriously, a player adds armor plating, the whole thing slows down dramatically. Although, how do you feel about piercing damage also slowing down a unit?

questccg wrote:
Also you could CAP the MAXIMUM number of units too: ten (10) sounds good to me. (Whatever you prefer).
not my department.

questccg wrote:
Something like that. Don't try to BALANCE everything. That will make a BORING game. You need to allow for "far-fetched" units if you want FUN to increase and make some super-powerful Tank that has surface-to-air missiles in addition to a machine gun turret that can blow away infantry, etc.
No worries, we already got 15 weapon idea's. They have the 3 tier categories. So 5 weapons per category. Then we got a basic weapon, a gattling verison, a long range version, a melee version and a burst version. Sometimes a combination of 2 or 3 aspects.

questccg wrote:
It it's too RESTRICTIVE it's going to be too predictable and MAYBE (I say maybe) too boring. Figure out the rules and then let players BREAK them.
It's not.
It was at first when the first plan was...just 15 units. I said, screw that. There is only 1 faction and we are having modifications anyway. Might as well letting players combine what they want.
15x15x15 are the units. Then each body has X modifications and each weapon has Y modifications. Well, really a lot of options. And players are forced to select only a few.

questccg wrote:

Note #2: My method is use a BODY (Base) of a variety of units and then ADD weapons... Base it all on points (not 1 or 2... More like 100 points for a Buggy and 200 points for a Tank) and then add stuff... The weight of the Unit could determine how SLOW or FAST it is (something simple). And you need like 5 Units minimum to make a brigade... Depending on your Commander Points... etc.
We already got weight included. But want to allow a soldier to carry a strong weapon of a low level too.
Brigade is not my department.

questccg wrote:
Note #3: That's sort of what Mechwarrior and FASA Mechs do... You get a BODY (Mech) and it has a max weight, all the weapons you add require more weight, the more weight, the slower the unit.
We already have this.

And ehm.... we do have 2 mechs. These are the lower health higher armor versions of their respective category.
In the future, 1 of them should be able to transform.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote:Your Tech Tree

questccg wrote:
Your Tech Tree ... I would make it Specialization. What I mean is that you choose what to RESEARCH but you can't research it ALL. You need to make DECISIONS which will affect the units that you can customize and the systems that you may be able to add.

This is the opposite of Civilization which is Generalization. You are required to research as much as possible. And every thing is a pre-requisite to the next Tech Level (achievement)...

Doing Specialization will make the game much more REPLAYABLE. And it could even MERIT starting from the VERY beginning again just so you can SPECIALIZE DIFFERENTLY in this attempt.

Stuff like that is super important to ensure players want to TRY again... Because they didn't really know what they were doing the FIRST time around.

Cheers @Ramon.

We kinda have this already.
What we do is we let the player research options.
But the rank of the player will allow for choosing options.
At rank 10, 5 bodies and 5 weapons should be avaiable. But also, some bodies and weapons should have options opened up by then.
Each body and weapon can get 1 research per 2 ranks after the point of being researched. Players have to choose. The number of options applied at the same time will be something like idk, reversed sum of rank minus the rank of researching the main body or weapon.
This starts at rank 3 for the light infantry and assault rifle.
The light infantry is a tutorial and gets the scout drone.
The assault rifle would have an attachment of choice. This all is just research.
Each rank, the player can upgrade as well. Upgrades are instant and cost credits.
At rank 10, the rank delta for the light infantry and assault rifle is 8. So it is "6" or reversed a 3.
With 4 options open. The player can choose 3 out of 4 to be activated.

At rank 17, we got a rank delta of 15, reversed 5. The number of options at that point is 7. So 2 cannot be chosen.

Balance will show which options should get more levels. Eventually, all options should be optional at the highest rank.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote:Advancing

questccg wrote:
Advancing along the Tech Tree ... Could be UNKNOWN like reality. But each time you complete RESEARCH you have like "4 Options":

1. Research Firepower (Attack)

2. Research Resistance (Defense)

3. Research Tactics (Formations)

4. Research Systems (Engineering)

The TREE could be FIXED in that IF you make ALL the SAME choices, you'll get the same upgrades, weaponry and defense as another play-thru.

But ALSO make the TREE A SECRET!

That will add HUGE VALUE... And make getting COOL Upgrades MORE SURPRISING and unpredictable too. This will make all kinds of COMMUNITY CHATTING and discussing how and why(?) to do research in all different ways.

I thing this is MUCH BETTER than showing all the Techs and their advancement and what you need to research to get what. In RL we don't know what research will BRING. Yeah we have ideas of what people are researching but the break-through are sometimes UNEXPECTED much like sometimes the RESULTS are unpredictable too.

Anyhow... That's my 5 cents in the matter.

Note #1: STAGES: There could be 5 stages to research. At each stage you choose ONE (1) of the different "4" choices from above. The combinations are: 4^5 = 1024 possible advancements.

How many are possible in the game ... IDK! But maybe you can get 128 out of 1024 ... Or something like that. That would mean 1/8th of the Tech Tree is what a player can expect to achieve while playing.

There will be some logic in the techtree. But all options should be visible to the player.

Coloured hub is avaiable.

Grey hub is not avaiable.

Green glow is activated.

Remaining green glows from a category turn into red glows when 1 option of a category is selected.

Blue glow is still optional.

Remaining blue glows turn into orange glows when the maximum options has been reached.

Grey hub with a yellow glow can be researched. 50% of the glow will be another colour if something is going on.
Coloured hub with a yellow glow can get a higher level to be researched.

Grey hub with a purple glow cannot be researched. Out of money or rank allowence. 50% of the glow will be another colour if something is going on.
Coloured hub with a purple glow can get a higher level to be researched. Once you have enough money or rank allowence.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
questccg wrote:If you can

questccg wrote:
If you can SELL or TRADE Units... Well then this becomes KEY! Since not everyone can specialize in EVERYTHING ... You can TRADE some of your Tech Tree Upgraded Units for OTHER "Tech Tree Upgraded Units" to complement YOUR Brigade and team of units.

Just a last thought ... You've got a bunch of things to examine and think about.


Note #1: If you go the EASY-ROUTE and choose:

F x F x F x F x F = F^5 = Two-Stage Armor Piercing Bullets. The bullets will shred thru Tanks. And require less rounds to destroy a Tank.

So EASY things like that are "PRACTICAL" but not as CREATIVE as something like:

S x T x F x F x S = Napalm Incendiary Technology for All Units. Excellent to rid yourself of Infantry. Burn everything to a "crisp".

Something more "EXOTIC" and more creative!

Note #2: This could be very useful in TRADING. Because if you can build "Two-Stage Armor Piercing Gunners" (a form of Infantry), you could TRADE these units for something else that you have not yet researched (and might never know the combination to that technology)... Sure people are going to want to DOCUMENT it and then it all becomes KNOWN (Not Secret anymore). But anyhow you get the general IDEA.

Trading units...
I will keep this in mind.

The player will be designing units.
Upgrades are permanent to the bodies and weapons.
Skill points (or whatever they are called now) will increase the design.
The design can be altered. Returning the skill points partly, if it goes to fast. 1 change a day.

Either way, the player is going to build up an army in the main HQ. Not sure what the big guy has in mind. But I will pitch the idea of a market of units.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
FATSQUATCH says "Trade with other Players"!

What else are you supposed to TRADE if "not units"??? Commander Points are a progression currency used probably to build units and tailor them to your liking.

My guess the ONLY think LEFT to "Trade" is UNITS, no???

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