There are 2 scenarios i want to try when testing my card game
I have resource cards that are named food, they are needed to deploy/play/summon creatures to the field, so example you need 4 food cards to play a creature card. Now here is the dilemma
The food cards are drawn from the same deck as the creature cards so 1 scenario is, i have used 4 food cards to deploy a creature, i now have to remove my used food cards from the game (send them to the graveyard with my killed creatures)
the 2nd scenario is, when i use my food cards they remain on the field but are tapped (like mana from magic) On my next turn my food i used previous turn are now usable again, so now i can use them again and more if i have more food cards in my hand
So what would be the better outcome?
What are the pros and cons of both scenarios
You gave me lots to think about