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Ideas Please: Game Examples for Community Workshop

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let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

I'm looking for examples of dice games and card games suitable to discuss with a casual game-playing crowd.

I've been accepted to facilitate a workshop on DIY tabletop game-making. This is an informal workshop for the general public, not a hobby-centered, publishing-centered crowd. The goal is to inspire the participants to create their own games in the time allowed (about 2 hours). I'll be giving them dice, cards, tokens, cubes, etc. for them to keep.

What examples would you give to inspire them to start tinkering with the components and eventually develop a "first draft" of their own game designs?

Thanks for reading!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018

Interesting question!

Farkle/Cosmic Wimpout (or your favorite basic press-your-luck dice game)

Hearts or Spades as a basic trick-taking game that doesn't require extra equipment (which inspired games like


and I thought I'd have more to say! :)

Joined: 09/06/2017
Dice Decatalon by Reiner Knizia

Dice decathlon is 10 short track and field themed dice games. I haven't played it so other than it existing I really can't tell you much about it.



Joined: 07/18/2018
If it's a casual crowd, I

If it's a casual crowd, I recommend games that can be learned in 10 minutes. Maybe Exploding Kittens, Azul, or Santorini. Really I think abstract games are nice because those are often in the mass market, so casual gamers are exposed to them. It also teaches how to make use of limited pieces.

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Good Suggestions

These are all good suggestions, folks! Thank you. :)

Should anyone thing of anything more, please post here. This is all much appreciated.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Introduction to Euros

I would think it would be crucial to introduce players to "Settlers of Catan". Why? Because it introduces players into the Euro style of games which is more and more a source of inspiration for other games. So Settlers would be a BIG one.

Some interesting facts about Settlers:

A> Creative use of the dice.

B> Introduction to the use of roads and towns (euro-style).

C> Hexagonal terrain akin to other RPG titles.

There may be more... But like I said, this is a STAPLE. You would definitely want to present Settlers as this is a door opening to the world of modern day gaming...


let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

questccg wrote:
I would think it would be crucial to introduce players to "Settlers of Catan".
I've added it to my supplementary materials. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually have the Catan Dice Game, and it may hit the table for this event.

Any additional suggestions of any card- and dice-based games?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Some more ideas

let-off studios wrote:
...Any additional suggestions of any card- and dice-based games?

Well I can't think of any dice-based games at the moment...

But MECHANICS worthy of mention are "Dice Pooling" and "Push-Your-Luck". I don't know of any specific games that use these ... but I would think it would be essential to discuss these ... because they can lead to distinct styles of games. Again often small, filler-type games.

Card games:

Dominion. Deck-Building is a great mechanic and there are now all sorts of different flavors of that sub-genre. If you are presenting concepts about the various different types of games, including this game is important.

Columbia for Card Drafting from card pools... The only game that comes to mind is ( a The Game Crafter game which is pretty interesting. It's a very clever game ... and if you learn more about the game... I'm sure you'll find it a FASCINATING mash-up!

Hero Realms, Also for Card Drafting... Because you BUY from a SHARED pool of cards. This game is a blend between Deck-Building and Deck-Construction because of how the various classes have different play styles.

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