In order to reduce the size of the text, make the text abilities easier to see in a glance and avoid the possibility of grammar errors, I was thinking about using pseudo language instead of natural language to describe text abilities on cards. I have 2 type of notation so far which would be similar to math or SQL notation. Here are teh example:
Math: 2 ( TopDeck -> Hand )
SQL: MOVE 2 CARD TopDeck TO hand
Natural: Move 2 cards from the top of your deck to your hand.
Another more complex example
Math: X = CreatureCost; Creature -> Discard; X ( TopDeck -> Groove )
SQL: X = CreatureCost; MOVE 1 CARD Battlefield TO Discard; MOVE X CARD TopDeck -> Groove
Natural: Discard a creature, add to your groove a number of cards equal to the summoning cost of the discarded creature.
Some enhancement I could make to the langage:
1. Each card in each zone has a specific name of it's own. For example:
A card in the battlefield is called a creature, a creature cannot be in any other zone
A card in the vault is called a crystal, a crystal cannot be in any otehr zone
so I could say
MOVE 1 Creature TO Discard
instead of
MOVE 1 CARD Battlefield TO Discard
2. I could standardise the movement action with 1 keyword: For example:
Draw = put a card into your hand
Summon = Put a card into the battlefield
Boost = Put a card into your groove
Discard = Put a card into your discard
So for example
MOVE X CARD Vault -> groove
could be written as
Boost X Crystals;
MOVE 1 CARD Battlefield TO Discard
could be written as
Discard Creature
For those who are curious about what my cards would look like, here is a sample of my first prototype: