Hello fellow designers!
I have a micro card game (30 Cards) that I designed and have written rules for. I was hoping to get some feedback on them, specifically regarding whether or not you think that with these rules and the cards for the game, you could figure out how to play without further instruction.
I've attached a .pdf with the rules.
I really appreciate those who take the time to help on this :)
EDIT: New Rules (v1.4) are posted taking into account the first 20 replies and includes cleaner formatting.
EDIT: New Rules (v1.5) are posted taking into account the first 23 replies.
EDIT: New Rules (v1.6) are posted taking into account the first 25 replies.
EDIT: New Rules (v1.7) are posted.
EDIT: New Rules (v1.9) are posted. Contains major formatting changes. Anonymousmagic is working on a final format which should be posted later today! Thanks Anonymousmagic!
EDIT: New Rules (v2.0) posted. Thanks Anonymousmagic for the formatting!
Working on the issues pointed out. Will post back with update.
Thanks guys!!!