I was talking about Defenders of Wessex with a friend, and he asked a question that got me to thinking-
See, I've been working the steps to adding miniatures of all the characters to the game. He proposed using a 3D token. For example, the blacksmith character would be represented by a hammer, and the merchant by a sack of money.
The clear advantage to this is that I know a guy who can, and is willing, to do the CAD rendering with a promise of payment after the kickstarter funds.
The dis advantage is that these are only a step up from pawns, and I worry that it looks like only going half way and that may drive people away from the game.
So what are your thoughts on this?
I have several quotes from several manufacturers, and the price point works. I'm looking into options for two reasons-
First, I won't be able to peruse any of the 3d imaging until after the kickstarter funds, and I am looking for potential ways to get ahead of that process.
Second, I would like to have more to show on the kickstarter page than just the drawings, though they will be really good. I feel like showing the 3d image will show that things are already started and it may inspire more confidence in potential backers.