Regarding wargames.
How to allocate different resources to what a player can buy.
Without having a resource becomming obsolete in consideration?
I often see games where multiple resources are used. But during the game, some of the resources starts accumulating. They are no longer a factor. Since another resource is dictating how many units a player can buy.
Age of Empires deals with this by having a Market. Here you can trade the resources.
Settler's of Catan also allows trade routes. Which makes it a better game.
So, should this mean that I too should have some trading mechanic?
Limited by time as well. (As QuestCCG suggested)
So, 25 oil becomes 10 steel, or something weird like that.
And how many different resources should I allow?
I know that I can do 2 without much illogical effects.
For example. Balanced units in body and weapon will cost 1 resource.
Then if there is a difference, this is changed into another resource.
A soldier and a tank would both require the same resource.
A wall of any material would always cost the secondary resource.
And if a support or meat unit is build. These with a body:weapon ratio of 3:1 or 1:3. Would cost 50% resource A and 50% resource B. This because the total cost is 1+3=4. And the difference is 3-1=2. So 4-2=2. And we have a cost ratio of 2:2.
I want to keep it simple. Yet logical.
So, if there are only 2 resources. Which 2 would serve best for a game where both the basic soldier as the basic tank cost the same resource. And only the primary resource?
This way, the secondary resource automatically means that the unit has a specific task in the army.
I have been thinking about more than 2 resources too.
4 resources based on 2 variables. Seems to be impossible.
Here is my idea for 3 resources.
Resource B would be based on the body value.
Resource W would be based on the weapon value.
Then there are credits or C, that are based on 2 options.
Option 1 is that C is based on the difference again between B and W.
Option 2 is that C is based on what is equal or actually the lowest value.
In both cases, the value C is subtracted for half from B and from W.
Normal units have 50% body and 50% weapon points
Option 1: costs 50% B and 50% W
Option 2: costs 100% C
Support units have 25% body and 75% weapon points
Option 1: costs 50% W and 50% C
Option 2: costs 50% W and 50% C
This seems to be the same.
Meat units have the same as well.
Meat units have 75% body and 25% weapon points
Option 1: costs 50% B and 50% C
Option 2: costs 50% B and 50% C
Option 1: 100% B
Option 2: 100% C
I don't like these results tbh.
Maybe I can do something with the attributes.
I have:
Organic and Mechanic
Units and Structures
I think that Units would mainly need credits.
Structures would go with building components.
Then we have Mechanic, which is obviously steel.
And lastly, Organic.... credits again?
Not sure...