I was wanting to make my game 3-6 but i am having trouble making a map to support that is 3-5 to restrictive and should i make up another set of rules like Risk has for 2 player. if 3-5 is to restrictive i will have to just keep brainstorm the map till it works. I am going for historical accuracy here so it is a little rough.
Number of players. How important is it?
I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts as well. I took the approach that it was important, and created 3 scenarios using existing components in the game to accomodate 1 or 2 person play. I am focusing on playtesting and balancing the 3-5 person scenario, but I made the unsupported assumption that players would be interested in seeing that "1-5 players" on the box enough to spend some time designing additional scenarios.
It's very important!
For each player you add, you have an additional turn that a player can make a move. If you have that, that can double or triple the amount of points generated/damage taken/resources gathered. Assuming you have a lot of interaction, a person might end up with much more than a two player game would allow. In a combat-style game, you need to be aware that a player ganged-up early will keep him from being involved if all of his pieces are removed.
Think about your game-time, too. My game, Stomping Grounds, the game time shot up from a 20-40 minute game all the way to 60-90 minutes. Unless the game end is dependent on a limited pool or there each player takes their turn at the same time like 7 Wonders, you might consider alternate rules that shorten your game up. It requires some playtesting.
James Rex
You have probably seen the posts in the recommendation section of boardgamegeek that say something like "looking for a game that is good with 4 for game night, but is also good with 2 when it's just me and my wife" You want your game to meet that need. So, yes, making it work for 2 players is valuable, though not a deal breaker (Catan for example has no 2-player). On the other hand, if your 2-player game is worse than your 3-6 player game, then you risk people playing the 2-player version, hating it, and tell all their friends how awful your game is, even if your 3-6 player game is great. Don't promise what you cannot deliver.
I am have figured out a way to work out 2 player. We are going to test basic mechanics this week. So hopefully it will work.