Hi Everyone,
I'm quite new to the Board gaming world as I have recently started playing different kind of board games. This has motivated me to try to create a board game as well.
I'm in the middle of making a board game and am torn as to how the point system should work. Basically the objective of the game is to rack up the most points to win. In order to obtain points, I split them up into different point categories such as Combat, Territory, Construction, and two other categories that I'm still working on. So if the top two players scores the most for Combat points, they'll get 10 Victory points for first and 6 Victory points for second at the end. Same goes for the other categories as well.
Would it be too much for players to keep track of? Or should I take the route of Victory Points and eventually have all the categories be converted into VP instead to make it easier? Hopefully I am making sense here and if anyone has ever tried to experiment with this, do share your experiences with me as well.
Thanks in advance!