Let me start by explaining some basics first:
- There are 5 schools of magic
- Each magician has no "Arcane Power" (AP) at the beginning of the game
- When a player completes a RITUAL, they are granted the "AP" of that card
- A player wins when he completes a ritual in all five (5) schools of magic
My problem is with "Arcane Powers" (AP)... Although I could determine many different rituals, I don't know what the Arcane Power of the CARD can do?
Am I making myself understood? It's difficult for me to describe.
Perhaps I can start with this and see what designers think/have questions...
Note: I would want "Arcane Powers" to be HIGHLY flexible in the magnitude of say "Magic: The Gathering" cards... Something highly flexible. Just not certain how to define AP.
What if the CARDS you pick, reveal the RITUALS for your OPPONENT. So say there are five (5) cards, one for each school of magic and "somehow" they get chosen by the player...
And those are the rituals the opponent must COMPLETE.
So then you have to balance between HARD rituals and TOO POWERFUL "Arcane Power" (AP). Once the opponent performs the ritual, he gains the AP...
Still not sure WHAT the APs will be... but this is sort of a step in the right direction, no?