I found this:
And then this:
Just not sure if the two are integrated or not. From what I understand - it seems like they must...
Also there is a "marketplace" where "artists" can design and SELL their artwork and designs.
Not sure about the whole DM and creating campaigns... I will sign up for an account next weekend. It's FREE to try.
I want to see the whole DM side of things. I know they said they use Hangouts for playing a game with multiple players (that kind of seems cool). But what I want to see is IF there is a module component to this website or is it just DM-ing from text or audio...
Will check it out - and let ppl know.
Well I have searched through the marketplace and I see that Game Modules are available but that the content is PDFs.
That's like Paper but on the screen.
It's not like there are timers to keep track of the DAY and that on DAY X an Event occurs (Event Y), etc. Closer to what the D&D Modules looked like.
So my guess DM-ing with this platform is largely about the DMs ability to bring together the party for an adventure.
Still will look into this further...