I've got an interesting one for you all. My friend and I are working on a board game, and we decided to make a big, 4-Player RPG esque game. We've been working on it off and on for a few months now, and everything is coming together well enough. Neither of us have experience making board games.
We have a friend who is taking game design courses, and by chance he had a board game design course this year. He made his own game for the course (Which was interesting, but rushed) and he has some good insight to give. However, the primary thing he tells us to do is to make everything smaller. To try and make the game have less parts, less cards, ect, ect. This is in direct contrast to what we decided to do, because our game has multiple unique characters, lots of tiles, and lots of treasures.
I know neither side is right or wrong, but I thought this could be a fun debate. When is less more, or when is it time to go for as much as you can? If you have no experience making a game, is it smart to go all in on a big game?
Ya, cost is a big factor. In order to make the big experience we want, it would cost a lot to produce. This will likely be the reason why we never get our game published, even if we finish it. I know that's what my friends trying to tell us, but he just doesn't know how to say it. He's an artist, not a speaker haha.