I was wondering what people thought about using a *calculator* to play a game. Now the calculations are not overly complicated, but I think in order to get them right a calculator would help.
-Calculating *initiative* which is a value between 0.0 and 1.0. How it works is simply take the Crew's value (let's say 20) and divide it by a ships capacity (let's say 25). So the calculation is 20/25 = 0.8.
Like I said it's not a question of being "complicated", it's just that it uses DIVISION. Unlike most situations where you are adding, subtracting or multiplying, this particular case uses division.
The game uses "Deck-building" and what you build are Starship configurations. Each ship can have 3 to 4 components:
-Starship model (Various classes of vessels)
-Crew (A combination of Soldiers, Officers and Engineers)
-Enhancement [Optional]
The model indicates the minimal and maximal Crew. Using the capacity of the Starship's model, you calculate the initiative of the configuration: Crew/Capacity. It's a simple formula - but the division could be slightly difficult to do.
Examples: 35/50 = 0.7 (easier) or 35/75 = 0.47 (harder - rounded)
I may try to create a table for this... I just need to figure out my *Crews* and *Capacities* for my starships. So I may put this off to later... But use of a calculator could make it much easier to do the division...