Tell me if I am on to something, or am doing something entirely ridiculous. ;)
For a lot of RPG fans, this could be a new approach.
Some games have altered modifiers to the dice. Other games replace D4 or D6 with a higher tier like D8 or beyond. Bottom line is, when your character gets stronger, it will have alterations one way or another.
Each way has it's own positive or negative effects on the game or game design.
But what if, each player has a black bag with little flattened marble's in them? And each marble has a number written on it. Going from 1 (or 0) to 15 or whatever.
Let's say to mimic D6 we have 6 marbles with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
When grabbing a marble, we mimic 1D6.
The good part is, our character might become stronger. And we simply want to go from D6 to D7. With adding a marble with number 7, we can do so.
Well, I am sure some have had this idea before.
The good part is, we can now easily create chances like something out of 7, 11 or 13 or any prime number.
Your thoughts on this?
Well, one bag or 2 for each player. (Attack and Defence)
Perhaps custom events in it as well. Something to earn, then put it in the bag. And perhaps you can get it out by chance and use it.
When I think about bags with marbles, it occurred to me that the table can remain relatively clean. All you need is a box with drawers for the marbles that are not used.
Now a brainstorm for a game:
Hmmm, this calls for hats. Wizard hats. Each player has one. The story is; player is an inexperienced mage.
Going through some sort of dungeon. A monster! Time to do some magic! So the player picks a marble. Some marble's do damage, perhaps you may pick 2 or 3 marbles. Choose the one(s) you want to use and put all back, or some, if allowed.
It would be fun to have your hat filled with a lot of different coloured dice. I think it would look fun too.
Of course, gathering a certain mana colour will make you stronger in a certain way. Each player could be having its own task.
Of course this game can be done with cards. But it allows for a funnier approach. And a hat with 20 marbles is better than a hand with 20 cards.
Cards have to be shuffled as well, while a hat makes this easier.
Of course, now I got a list of questions.
- What would be a nice maximum amount of marbles in a hat?
- How to do the dungeon, or other terrain? (I think squared fields and players walk 1 at a time. Unexplored terrain will be laid down when needed)
- Mana that can do something and mana that will make that something stronger.
- Summoning creatures?
Where players could specialize in?
- Red = Blood Mage
- Orange = Fire Mage
- Yellow = Wind Mage
- Green = Nature Mage
- Blue = Water Mage
- Purple = Omni??? Mage (specialized to have a bit of everything, don't know a name for it)
- Brown = Earth Mage
- White = Priest Mage
- Black = Demon Mage
I think it would resemble MtG a bit in certain area's. But the player would be in the field instead of behind a pile of cards.