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What makes a dungeon crawl?

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Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014

So, I'm working on a dungeon crawler, but I just started wondering: what are the main things that make a crawler a crawler?

-discovering dungeon tiles?
-heroes that gain xp and abilities?

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011

Q: What makes a dungeon crawl?

A: A good set of legs.


(sorry, I couldn't resist...)

WinsmithGames's picture
Joined: 01/20/2017
Multiple hero classes

Multiple hero classes (wizard, knight, rogue, archer, barbarian, etc)
Player abilities
Gaining experience and leveling up
Finding treasure
Discovering dungeon tiles
Monsters, mini-bosses, bosses
Tactical combat
Player/monster initiative
Melee, ranged, magic combat
Event cards

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Gabe wrote:
So, I'm working on a dungeon crawler...

You need first to be aware that there are a TON of "Dungeon Crawlers" out there...! One option is to put a SPIN on your "Dungeon Crawler" game.

Like take for example this idea:

Years after a Third World War, humanity was almost eradicated, and technology virtually non-existent... You must search the city (via the underground "Metro" lines) for things to completed your "mission".

I don't know what I'd call it: "Metro 2150". Maybe?!

See it's kind of a "Dungeon Crawler" - but the SETTING is different. While you may have classes of individuals (like Street Fighter, Scoundrel, Scientist, Medic, etc.) they are not exactly in a Medieval Fantasy ERA.

By changing the TIMELINE a little, you get something that is UNIQUE. Instead of all those "Dungeon Crawlers" that have all been done before! And I could definitely picture a board with subway lines allowing you to travel to different locations on the board.

This is just an example. But you need something FRESH in term of the theme... And from there you can add as much or as little RPG elements to the game.


Update: A game like this ALREADY EXISTS! Metro 2033 on BGG - Click here!

That's the Board Game Geek link to the game... Too bad because it sounded like a really good "theme" for a dungeon crawler.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
A spin? How about you reverse

A spin? How about you reverse the roles?

You are a monster. And after a while, some hero's crash the party.

But other then that. I think you summed it all up.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
Discovery of something

Discovery of something dungeon-like with battles and treasure.

I do not think you should try to define it too strictly. I think dungeon-crawlers tend to be a bit too similar, at least theme-wise, and it can only be a good thing if you try to stay away from doing what everyone else is doing. Nothing wrong with stealing the good ideas, but you really do not need a long list of requirements to "make a crawler a crawler".

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Dungeon Keeper 2

X3M wrote:
A spin? How about you reverse the roles?

You are a monster. And after a while, some hero's crash the party.

But other then that. I think you summed it all up.

Isn't that the premise of "Dungeon Keeper" series??? That franchise was HUGELY successful, people loved creating dungeons with rooms and then have the "Heroes' crash the party" and be forced to kill them all before they take over your keep?!

Just pointing it out... I don't think it's a board game - but the idea is already "out there" (so to speak!)

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Pardon me for my narrow

Pardon me for my narrow view.
All my buddies see are rts games in all forms.

But I will check it out.

To go back to topic.
It turns out that wikipedia already has a decent basis. You might want to check that out.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
questccg wrote:X3M wrote:A

questccg wrote:
X3M wrote:
A spin? How about you reverse the roles?

You are a monster. And after a while, some hero's crash the party.

But other then that. I think you summed it all up.

Isn't that the premise of "Dungeon Keeper" series??? That franchise was HUGELY successful, people loved creating dungeons with rooms and then have the "Heroes' crash the party" and be forced to kill them all before they take over your keep?!

Just pointing it out... I don't think it's a board game - but the idea is already "out there" (so to speak!)

This reminds me of a game vpg publised (also as app) where players designed and populated dungeons, and also raided them. Can not recall the details though.

Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014
Thank you all for the

Thank you all for the feedback.

I was speaking in general terms--"dungeon crawl" as more of a genre than a specific theme or setting.

The game is definitely not fantasy based.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Going in the right direction!

Gabe wrote:
...The game is definitely not fantasy based.

(Thumbs Up)! (Vote +1) or whatever... Definitely when you have more about it please feel free to share the "theme" - because it's sounding very original... At least that's my impression now...!


Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014
It hasn't been done before as

It hasn't been done before as far as I can tell. I'll be back soon with more details.

I'm trying to finagle the core mechanics now. They're being bothersome at the moment.

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