I know this thread is not that far from Larienna's "Action point system for fleets", but i didn't want to spoil this topic so here I am...
I'm trying to decide the best way to allocate Actions Points to the players in my game... I really want the players to have to manage these points... those A.P are used to move / attack / or perform specific actions or abilities. Some Actions are simple and require 1 A.P. Some are complex and require 2 A.P... ( to make it short )
Some games are using fixed amounts of A.P for a turn / Some are using Action Cards that one can draw from a common deck or from his own hand, until exhaustion of the deck... / Some games are using time counters ( like Thebe and Red November - Bruno Faidutti pays his tribute to Prinz's Thebes in the rules of Red November... )
Do you think a system based on rolling dice to determine the Action Points that are to be allocated to a player is an heresy ? ^^
In my game, I have some "major" characters and some more "basic" ones... I thought of giving an Action dice per "major character" into play during a turn...
What do you think ?
Thanks a lot for all your suggestions... they're all inspiring.
I tend to think that a small 5 or so Action Cards Deck would be the best option ( Dungeon Twister has a similar mechanic I think ) but I already have several decks in this project, and the Combat system has evolved into a Battle Cards deck ( hard number + blind bidding ).
So I think I'm going to try a Base number + Roll an extra Action die per "Major" units into play.
Since the main "ressource" in the game is expressed in Support Points ( that you acquire when taking or blessing cities... ) I think I could go for something like +3AP / +2AP + 1SP / +1AP + 2SP (on a D3 custom dice )
For some reason, this unit has not been able to act or fight but has participated to the war effort nonetheless...