Hey Guys!
I've been trying to make a game called Suit Up! for some time. After finding an interesting new mechanic, I've restructured my game a lot. It's now called Battle Bash (tentatively). I playtested it yesterday and it went well. Very few roadbumps, easily the best mechanic I've yet to build upon.
It ain't perfect by any means though. At its current state, it's a little boring. The "pile" should be an interesting place for synergies and strategies but it's not doing a whole lot right now. Perhaps it's too rigid - maybe players should draw X cards and be able to place cards in the pile in an order they'd prefer.
Please take a look at my design document. It's super easy to read at only 3 pages, including a reiteration of the turn structure. Any comments, questions, concerns, ideas, etc. are really appreciated. A link follows:
WOW! Thanks for so much feedback. I'm glad my design got you thinking. That makes me feel like I have something here. To answer some questions about the current design:
• Letter cards enter the pile face-up and are never face-down
• after you reach your character's VP requirement, you win and the game resets.
• Speed dice for attacks and grabs are there for tie-breaker purposes.
• My theme is quite nebulous right now, so I'm not trying to settle on one. I'm shooting for clarity right now, and letters seemed like an easy way to point to other cards for synergies.
I like your ideas. The system is definitely too rigid as of right now and making the top cards in the pile dictate so much of the turn that it simplifies it too much. I like the idea of having letter decision cards in your hand too, letting you choose certain abilities in your pile. Because decisions are like fun and stuff.
I'm not sure if I want to stray from selecting characters. In ways it simplifies the design but it does simplify the game. I'd hope to make characters nuanced enough to make learning them fun. I'm open to not doing this if I makes my game better.
Really, once I solidify my mechanics I'll explore what's the best way to design around the gameplay.
What I do like in my design, at least what it strives to do, is increase complexity as the game progresses due to the pile. As it increases it further influences your options and synergies, making you stronger in ways but also somewhat more predictable.
Having cards tha aren't known to your opponent is also something to consider. An initial thought I had was that you could organize and structure your pile from cards in your hand.
Again, thanks for the feedback! This has got me thinking...