In my current WIP ("Monster Keep"), I have circular tokens (likes small "POGs" - or tiny beer coasters!) and I wanted to divide them into three (3) piles.
I'm looking for a "randomization" technique aside from shuffling the bags...
My reason for this is because I wanted that the content of each drawn "POG" be kept secret until later in the game.
Anybody have some good ideas how I can mix a bunch of "POGs" and still come out with "hidden" information???
Many thanks!
Perhaps I could use "COLOUR" such a PURPLE on the side that contains what should be the "hidden" information.
So when a player pulls out the token from the bag, he does so carefully and if he sees Purple, he knows he should FLIP the token...
Does this sound too *extreme*??? I know it might seem a little bit so, but the hardcore gamer might want to keep said information unknown for "personal enjoyment"...