Hello All!
I've thought of a new mechanic that I haven't seen before, but curious if it's been used elsewhere.
The idea is bidding on items that are semi-secret. Here's a generic theme on the mechanic:
1. You are all chefs aiming to make certain meals. You acquire the ingredients for your meals by going to market.
2. Each round there are 4 markets with a few cards (3 or 4?) stacked face-down on top of them. These cards can have good, bad, strategic effects, but you must take them all if you take the goods from that market.
3. Each round players pre-program which 2 markets they'd like to visit that day. Example: Jim chooses markets 1 & 4, Jen chooses 2 & 4, Kara chooses 1 & 2, Carrie chooses 3 & 4. One at a time, they each pick up the cards in the stacks they chose and secretly look at them.
4. Once everyone has viewed the markets, anyone can begin bidding on any market and an auction phase begins.
5. There would be special cards that allow things like looking at a 3rd market in a day, having one market be face-up for a day, creating certain ingredients for free, etc.
I imagine that part of the big appeal would be the potential for seeing two other players get into a big bidding war on a market that you didn't look at, but now you're curious about what's there and might start bidding as well.
Players may also start making deals like "I'll let you take that market for X money if I can buy this certain card from you for Y money."
What do you all think?
I like the idea of having the card backs give a little info as to the category of what you're buying. Gives some direction into the markets you choose instead of them all being equally unknown.
Good feedback, thank you!