Hi everyone! So I am designing a card/board game as a part of my final year project based on the theme cell biology. This is mainly for school students who have trouble understanding the concepts in cell biology. I am facing hard time in order to make the game informative and playful at the same time. It'd be great if I could get some inputs. I just have 3 more weeks to design this game.
The ides of the game is to teach the functions of the cell organelles in the various cells(plant, animal, bacteria). I was thinking of a game more on the lines of making your own cell, where the cell organelles are printed on cards which are equally distributed among the players. depending on the organelles you get, you design a cell that runs on those functions. Although I don't see much scope in that.
The game is intended to be universal but starting from the age of 12+
Alsooo. Do you it is possible to have a board game format in the form of a card game?
So I was thinking of a board game where the players would have to go around the board and collect different cell organelles. Whoever has the maximum number of organelles or powerful organelles wins the game.