I'm considering a mechanic where players have a hand of five victory and five defeat cards. When they are attacked by another player, they get to decide whether they win or lose the battle by playing one of the cards. Simple as that.
So in the end it would come down to players strategizing when and where to lose their battles, as winning or losing in different conditions would have different effects. You could try to goad a player into using up his victory cards by repeatedly attacking him with a weak unit or you could choose to lose a number of battles so that you could win a number of them at a more advantageous time and place.
1.) Does this sound interesting/appealing?
2.) Do you know of any other games using this?
Good points. The weak or strong units can't have anything to do with military power then, maybe just VP values.
I'm thinking about just letting the players take the 10 cards back into their hand when they're done.