I am a big fan of making games simple and elegant; streamline if you'd like to call it that. Although, I like to do it in a way where I can build the structure of a mechanic but can dress it up later. I'll show you what I mean...
The combat mechanic for my game Battle of the Monumentals (soon to be Monumental Resolution) at its core, is extremely simple - no counters, no health, just attack and defense. This is because the main focus of the game is more dependent on tactics, positioning and decision making. To help you get an idea of how the game is played, it is very similar to Summoner Wars and Chess. You move units, attack with them, and use abilities and such to change the tide of battle. Although, I assure you, it is very unique.
To get some background knowledge of the tiles/units, they will have many characteristics to make them unique. The only ones needed to explain for this example are the Attack Value, Defense Value and Mobility/Range.
Attack: This value is compared against the opposing unit's defense when in combat
Defense: This value is what determines if the unit is HIT, KILLED or if the opposing unit MISSES when compared to the attack value.
Mobility/Range: The reason these are together is because they are represented in the same area on the unit. The mobility of the unit is represented by blue or red arrows showing the player what direction the unit can move. The range is shown specifically by the red arrows, this is where the unit can attack.
Here are the basics for combat...
When a unit initiates a combat sequence by the player using an attack action, you must...
1) first, check to see if the unit is within range. If not, you may not attack the unit.
2) Then...
For the attacker (the one initiating the conflict)...
-If the attack value is greater than or equal to the opposing (defending) unit's defense, that unit is killed.
-If the attack value is lower than the opposing unit's defense, that unit is hit.
For the defender (the unit being attacked)...
---If the attacking unit is within range... Then...
-If the attack value is greater than or equal to the opposing (attacking) unit's defense, that unit is killed.
-If the attack value is lower than the opposing unit's defense, that unit is hit.
---If the attacking unit is not within range... Then...
-If the attack value is greater than or equal to the opposing unit's defense, that unit is hit.
-If the attack value is lower than the opposing unit's defense, the unit misses.
A combat scenario is above for reference...
Kill: removed from the field.
Hit: placed in the Hit Zone
Miss: nothing happens, no damage reaches the unit.
The reason I have to distinguish between the attacker being in range for the defender is because the defender does not need to check before the conflict if he is in range or not, the attacker does.
Now, here are some ideas to "dress" this up a bit with some abilities and attributes...
If you attack a unit outside of their range you gain "x" amount of attack/damage.
When dealt lethal damage (higher or equal to the defense), remove an armor token instead of dying. Instead you are hit.
When dealt any amount of damage exhaust your shield. You may recharge your shield using "x" amount of energy.
Fatal Strike:
Any amount of damage dealt is lethal damage
Last Stand:
If you deal insufficient damage/hit a unit you may deal the same amount of damage again.
Ignore retaliation damage (defender damage)
What do you think of this? Too simple? Just right? Too complicated? Let me know.
Also, feel free to suggest attributes!! I will add your name by them for credit.
I totally get where you are coming from. I had thought about making it where the attacker could also attack "out of range" but never thought of a debuff to its actual attack... I will definitely need to playtest this...
The only concern I have is that it does scew with the tactics a bit. Knowing that every unit can attack in every direction takes away the uniqueness of each unit. Nonetheless, if it makes the game better I must comply! Thank you John!
I had already settle for Monumental Resolution, but after reviewing your case I definitely may reconsider. And it would even fit with the theme which is nice. Thank you!