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Combat Resolution Critique

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Joined: 11/05/2015

Here's the current build.

Players have dude's moving around the map. When two players units enter the same hex, combat happens.

Players take 1 cube for each of their units and secretly assign them to their combat tableau (picture attached)

A cube placed in HOLD has no effect

A cube placed in ATTACK kills 1 enemy unit and adds -1 to PAY

A cube placed in GUARD negates 1 enemy ATTACK and adds -1 to PAY

In addition to this you can PAY your troops and BRIBE your enemy's troops. For each gold placed in BRIBE that is over your enemy's PAY amount (and vice versa), you may convert 1 enemy unit to your own. If you'll notice, giving your units a task in combat makes it harder to pay and easier to bribe them.

Whoever has the most force/strength in units left wins- if there's a tie players decide if they wish to continue fighting or retreat.

I am worried this is a little too complicated and may result in AP.
I am trying to create a combat resolution system that is rewarding and interesting in its own right, has unknowns created by players and not randomness, and is not deterministic.

I want it to be POSSIBLE for a smaller army to win if they are willing to expend some other costly resource (currently gold).

I haven't had a chance to get this current iteration to the table yet. I know just trying it out is where some real answers will lie, but I'm curious if anyone has an experience or thoughts that may be helpful to do some iterations before the next playtest.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
It is a bit confusing

But that is because it looks very new to me.

What happens if you do a "psychological test" as mind experiment. Starting with 1 vs 1.

Will players tend to do a certain strategy and stick with it? Or are the choices completely random as if it is rock paper scissors?
If it is either of the above, the design isn't that well thought out. But if none of the above happens, you might be on to something.

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