I did not really know how I should call this, I decided to call it mechanic compression.
It has been mostly inspired by the death angel card game combat mechanic. The original game was a space dungeon crawler. So you needed to move and roll for attack and defense for each monster on the board. In the card game, they have "compressed" all these dice rolls into one roll: if you roll 1 die < than the number of monster, you die.
In the end, it has a similar effect and avoid a lot of dice roll. I was thinking that this kind of compression could be applied elsewhere. I had an idea lately for my pacific ww2 game. Here is an example:
When you move or attack with a fleet in an enemy area, you must make a detection check and if you fail it, you get air striked by the enemy base. This add up a lot of rolling to do. A compression that could be made is that each time you had a chance to get air striked, instead of doing all the rolling, you simply increase the air strike threat level. When all the movement is done, you make 1 detection roll, and if you fail, you get air striked according to it's level.
People might say that it's too harsh to get all or nothing, so I thought of maybe using 2 detection roll, if you only fail 1 roll, you get air striked by half the threath round down.
Same thing could be done for submarines. For each sub you cross, you increase you submarine threat level and check at the end if you get attacked.
Another form of mechanic compression could be the law of average: If a unit hits on 5+ on 1D6, 1/3 chance to hit, then in average 3 unit will make 1 hit. So instead of rolling, each 3 units kill 1 unit.
Have you seen other kinds of compression mechanics?
Have you seen mechanics similar to the threat level I explained above?
I really like both idea. Not much time to elaborate.