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Help with random decider

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Milostnik's picture
Joined: 03/11/2017

Howdy ya'll

I love your suggestions with stuff and wanted help with a little randomiser mechanic.

BACKGROUND: Its all co-op with all players fighting against the game.

CORE GAMEPLAY: At the moment I got a game where all players control a pool of warriors on the board. There at 12 pawns with 1 - 12 on them. So naturally, when its the minotaurs turn - the game rolls a D12 and appears on the tile of the one that corresponds to the pawns number.

NOISE: However, there is a push your luck mechanic with rolling dice to active that number of pawns in a turn. The consequence is that to re-roll you make NOISE!
Now this is where I get stuck. I'm wondering how to make it so the Minotaur is MORE likely to attack the ones that make NOISE.

How it can be broken: Players can just make noise on multiple pawns, so I need to find a way that the Mino prioritises one over the other? Do I add another dice? Do I make it the first one that makes noise?

What are your thought and questions?

Thanks, everyone! Much appreciated!

Joined: 12/22/2015
chits in a bag

Drawing chits from a cup with being noisy putting more of that chit into the cup would accomplish the purpose.

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
Do the players make noise

Do the players make noise after the initial D12 roll, or before? Sounds like after.

The chit idea works, but if this mechanic happens a lot, re-sorting the chits each time will be time-consuming.

How about each time someone makes noise, roll a D6, and on a 1-3 (or 1, or 1-2, or whatever you want the odds to be), it works and the mino relocates.

If you want to prevent this from working every time (e.g. one weak pawn, so the other 11 all make noise one after the other to protect it), then do something like

* only allow one (or two) noise attempts.
* allow one that succeeds on 1-2, and then the second only on a 1 (or whatever you want to tune the odds to be for success)
* if the noise works, if the roll was a 1, then the mino gets to take a swipe at the first player as it moves away
* etc

Milostnik's picture
Joined: 03/11/2017
Thanks for the suggestions.

Thanks for the suggestions.

At the moment the players take their turns without knowing who the Mino is going to strike. Once every player has had their turn the AI rolls a D12 and the Mino appears on the hex that corresponds to that pawns number.

I guess I'm just trying to find a way to up the odds for a player that makes noise and how to punish them/make it more likely the Mino will attack the pawn (or one of the many pawns) that make noise.

Player A moves Pawn 4 and 8 on his turn.
Player B moves Pawn 10 and 12 on his turn, but pushes his luck with Pawn 10 and Pawn 10 now has made noise.
The AI rolls a D12 to see who it has decided to stalk but rolls an 8.

Why would the Mino go for 8 when 10 has made noise?

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Adjacency & Attraction

Maybe you can try an adjacency rule. If a player moves a pawn more than once, add a token to the hex it's in. Pawns collect noise tokens until the Minotaur is rolled, so the tokens follow the noise-maker, and there's theoretically no limit to the number of noise tokens the pawn collects.

When it's the Minotaur's turn, roll the die and see which pawn it's attracted to. However, each noise token extends the "reach" of the pawn that's collected them.

For your previous example: neither 12 nor 8 have a noise token, but 10 does. So if 10 is in any hex next to 8 when that number is rolled, 10 will be attacked instead. If 10 had collected 2 noise tokens, if 10 was within 2 hexes of 8, 10 would have still been attacked instead of 8, and so on.

Think of each noise token as another "ring" of attraction around that pawn, and the minotaur always goes for a noise-maker if its in range.

If there's a tie (the minotaur is within range of two or more noise-making pawns), then target either the one with the most tokens or the highest-numbered pawn.

Milostnik's picture
Joined: 03/11/2017
I really like these. Thanks

I really like these. Thanks for the brain juices Let-Off Studios.

Joined: 12/22/2015
quick sorting note with tokens in a cup

token blind draw from a cup with the base set of tokens in one color and the noise tokens another color

- easy to sort basic set from noises at end of round

- players who were noisy can grab their own noise tokens back to be noisy with again next round

noise tokens double as a noisy actions used counting mechanism

Joined: 09/06/2017
A little less random of a scheme.

I came up with a little less random of a scheme. I don't know if it will work for your game. You could order the Minotaur's attack priority to be 1 line of sight, 2 noise, 3 D12 as explained below:

1 The Minotaur attacks pawns that in its line of sight. Ties broken by fewest spaces from Minotaur. Further ties are broken by which way the Minotaur is facing.

2 If the Minotaur does not have line of sight, it goes towards the the noisiest meeple. (However you want to decide this). Ties can be broken as described above.

3. If the Minotaur does not have line of sight and no one has made any noise use the D12 to figure out who to go after.

My take on how to determine noise is each player gets X silent movements points per turn. After these are exhausted they can move additional meeples. To do so they would select a meeple and roll a d6. The result of the roll are both the movement points and the noise level.

Random thought: Are there secret passages that only Minotaur can take?

Feel free to disregard, use or improve upon.

Good luck with your game.

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