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Hit and damage in one roll

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DARE the Vegetable
DARE the Vegetable's picture
Joined: 06/13/2010

This thread is about the same game I posted about in the New Game Ideas section. The inspiration is mainly over-the-top action found in some anime and games (see Resonance of Fate); two teams of four or so characters putting holes in each other.

Units have two types of health: red and blue. When red health reaches zero, the unit is defeated and when blue health is zero a major penalty is imposed.

When a unit attacks, the number of bullets fired is rolled as a pool of d10. I’ve been thinking about the relation between hitting a target and the damage dealt. Because I want to keep up the pace, I’d prefer both hit and damage to be determined in one die roll but I also want to be able to apply modifiers, like range penalties etc.

I’ve come up with three ways this could work.

Mechanic A: The weapon’s card (or whatever it’ll be) displays which die results will deal red (critical) and blue (gracing) damage. I’ll attach an image to clarify exactly what I mean. Results not displayed counts as misses. Also displayed is the amount of health points (red and blue respectively) lost by the target unit when hit.

Mechanic B: In this version, the target number to hit is set by the weapon. The dice that meets the target number are re-rolled and the type of damage dealt is determined by the color coded dice bar described above (see image attachment).

Mechanic C: Specified by the weapon, a number of red and blue colored dice is rolled as a dice pool. The dice that meets the target number deals damage of the same type as its color. The amount of damage dealt could be simply one point per die, or a variable number set by the weapon.

I’ve been trying to list the pros and cons of each one of these methods;
A: Resolves the attack in one roll but I feel awkward trying to find something to modify.
B: This one’s easy to modify. Just add or subtract from the first target number. It’s a little slow though as it takes two rolls to resolve an attack.
C: This seemingly takes the strengths of the other two and skips their weaknesses. It’s just one roll, and a single target number can easily be modified.

What are your thoughts? Am I missing something?


Joined: 01/17/2011
Mechanic C

Of the options, I think that Mechanic C would work the best in terms of ease of play and weapon customisation.

Rubber-bullet machine gun: 5 blue dice, 1 dam each
Automatic pistol: 2 red dice, 2 blue dice, 1 dam each
High powered rifle: 1 red die, 3 dam
Rocket launcher: 1 red die, 2 blue die, 3 dam

If your goal is leaning towards realism, modify the target number according to range, environment, etc.
If your goal is leaning towards speed of play, stick with a fixed target number to hit -- it is significantly faster to resolve.

As an aside, with regards to your earlier post regarding wanting to simulate anime-style dodging but resorting to bullet-sponges because rolling up misses every turn is not much fun...

Another way to simulate anime-style dodging is to give each character a limited pool of "luck" points. (Call it fate, ki, focus, bullet time, or whatever you want.) You can use Luck points to automatically dodge a bullet after it "hits". Once your Luck runs out, you start losing hit points. So, mechanically these Luck points are almost the same as extra hit points or ablative armour, but thematically it fits better than being a bullet sponge. Or using your red and blue damage points above, use Luck to reduce the damage category by one, so you turn a fatal wound into a grazing wound.

The other thing about using Luck points like this is which makes it a bit different to ablative armour is if it costs the same amount of Luck points to dodge a pistol as it does a rocket. So if you are running low on Luck, you might decide not to dodge the pistol, because you're saving up your Luck for the rocket (which will hurt a lot more if it hits). This gives the defender a measure of choice / control over the outcome.


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