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Last Stage Mechanic- Health "Tokens" Need Help!

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: 02/28/2010

Alright, I'm in the final stages of mechanics and I've ran into a little snag. The game I have been working on for a year is very nearing completion, but I need some ideas for you wonderful people here at the bgdf.

I have multiple (14) maximum cards that each have respective health values of 3. throughout the game process, the cards, which are out, (5) five at a time are shuffled into a initiative like order. At first, before this mechanic was developed, I had little tokens that represented fatigue (1-3). However, due to shuffling, I cannot use tokens anymore. This is my dilemma.

1) The tokens may clip to the cards, but Im unaware of a very thin part that would do so.
2) No paper can be used.
3) No electronics can be used

Remember, at any time, multiple cards may have multiple health tokens on them, which means I need something consistent, cheap and durable to keep track of them.

If anyone is aware of a "clip" on type plastic piece, about the thickness of a playing card, it would really help bunches.



Joined: 04/14/2009
I'm not sure what you mean...

....I'm having some difficulty seeing what's going on.'ve got 14 cards, right? And 5 of them are "out" or in play at a time. Each of these 5 cards is put into some type of order? Is the order based on the fatigue values?

It seems like you want these fatigue values placed on the cards somehow, but you can't do that because you need to be able to shuffle the cards. Do I at least have that part right?

I hate to go much further without additional clarification. Could you simply have more cards and print a 1, 2, or 3 on each type of card? So...let's say you've got a Furmious Bandersnatch creature. The players would have a chance of drawing a 1 fatigue Bandersnatch, a 2 fatigue Bandersnatch or a 3 fatigue Bandersnatch. No need for tokens.

What do the players do with the cards? Do the players draw a card and put them into their hand at some point? If so, why not determine what the fatigue is after the card belongs to a player? Now you can use tokens again.



Joined: 01/17/2011
Fatigued shuffling

Could you shuffle "fill in's" instead of the cards?
For example, the players keep their cards with tokens on the table, but you shuffle 5 little discs each of which represents one of the cards? Place the discs into initiative order, and off you go...
Same example, but use duplicate cards. So you have 14 cards which are used for tracking the tokens, and duplicates of the 14 cards which are used for shuffling.

Or, similar to the suggestion by the previous poster, you have 3 sets of 14 cards, each with different values of fatigue. When your unit takes fatigue, you just swap it for the new card.

Or, is there some other mechanism you can use to determine initiative order, that doesn't involve shuffling the cards? Examples: For non-random initiative, write an initiative value on each card so they always go in the same order. For random initiative, roll dice for each card. For interactive initiative, implement a "bidding" system to determine the order.

Hope that helps,

Joined: 02/08/2011
Last Stage Mechanic- Health "Tokens" Need Help!

If you don't need to many you can make your own from hard plastic sheet. You should be able to pick some paper sized sheets at any of your local stationary shops like Staples. Maybe cheaper online if you need to buy alot. It usually used as cover material for reports and such, it's clear and solid enough for your needs I think.
All you'll need to do is cut it up in the shape you want and score an inner U shape, like a paperclip, it would fit onto your cards. It's flimsy enough to slide easy but depending on the thickness you buy, it might be too flimsy. There's also thicker plasticard sheet you can buy, although I'm not sure if it is sold clear, mostly they are all white. These are sold at model (railroad) and hobby shops mostly. They will be solid enough for you for sure, but a bit thicker than a playing card. 1 sheet is about $2-3US and you'll still have to cut them out and you'll need a hobby knife for that.
Failing all that you could send a mail to Print-&-Play productions at boardgamegeek and see if he has anything that could help you.

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