Hi everyone, I am trying to come up with ideas to make a game calendar based, and it would encompass some 75 years for the life of a person, it should include a banking system and the play-time should be about 45 minutes or less. I'm trying to make the first 20 or so years play at the start of the game, sort of a pre-game, with 4 D6 rolls or so to determine starting conditions, then play out the remaining years one by one. I think that a theme has yet to be set, but it could be about life decisions and economic, educational and personal achievements.
It is intended for 2-6 players and it would be an "occidental lifestyle" game. I don't wanna get into investments or stock trading, but there should be a way to trade resources among players. Also I would like to have -some- random events that affect player progress.
I'd like for you to point me to similar games, similar mechanics or some ideas that may help me, as it is obvious this game is in a very early stage of development.
Thanks a lot for your answers!!
Im a Teacher so 45 min is the time max for the game.
Maybe can pass 1 = 2 : 1 = 3 years or as the game goes on the years happen more quickly or viceversa or maybe add more dice, but in the design phase want to think some way to pass the year over a 'The Game of the Goose' way.
I know that is a odd request,
looking for open mind's stuff
Thanks again for answers!