I am trying to simplify a game to reduce the level of fiddlyness and the amount of required component.
One idea is to only use 1 unit per territory to conquer and use units of various strength to represent group of units of various size.
I am trying to look at other games with similar mechanics to see how they handle their attack and movement system since units cannot be stacked.
Any suggestion worth looking at?
Well my idea was that instead for example of having a territories with 3 to 7 cubes, I would use tokens labeled 3, 5 and 7 and only keep 1 token per territory. So it should require less components and It also takes less space on the board.
Now the issue is how to handle attacks and movement, as attack will free a space, which mean I need some sort of fill the blank mechanism.
As for movement, since no two units can occupy the same space, I need some kind of swaping mechanism or pooling (like in vinci small world)
This is why, I am exploring the possibilities.