I trialled several ways in having vision in my game. NO SPOTTERS!!
So, I was wondering if combining might work. This is what I came up with:
A region can reduce vision, depending on the weapon an unit carries.
The vision is an accuracy hit by 1d6 per projectile.
It can be 1/6th to 5/6th.
0/6th is always a miss, and 6/6th is always a hit.
If you have several regions with different vision modifiers. You pick the worst.
Example: snow has 4/6th, forest has 2/6th and some rocks have 3/6th. The forest wins in this example. So the one accuracy roll will be a 2 or less to hit.
This means a forest that is 3 regions thick would also still supply with just a one time 2/6th.
In an older version I had the player roll this 3 times.
In another version I had the player only range reduced, but the hit was 100%.
Both versions where not fun to play with. After all, a sniper with a range of 22, would still be able to shoot through 3 mountains.
So, what about combining range reduction with the single accuracy shot? The 3 forests will reduce range by 12. And apply an accuracy of 2/6th.
Would it be overkill?
And yes, I have artillery units ignoring terrain effects. But of course they need a redo in balancing if I introduce this kind of range reduction.
I had this idea by playing AoW3. Where certain weapons could still fire into forests. But vision was lower any way.
This is the general idea.
Although, I have the rules a bit different to give the units hiding in the Forest a better function. After all, in my game, you can't hide that much in the Forest. A sight of 2/6th would also mean a squad of 2/6th.
If you really want to hit the player with both penalties, I'd reduce the severity of each... otherwise no one will hit each other.
Thought so.
Thank you.
Reducing the severity is a very hard job. I had an idea about adding up the points of reduction. Then divide it by 2 or 3 or more. I even tried 5 and 10 for simplicity. But I don't feel this is the way to go??? Right? It is in the option box.
When regarding terrain in between.
A field of snow hexagons would give an accuracy of 5/6th. It doesn't matter how many hexagons are in between. The weapon always had 5/6th.
With the reduction of range, it would now be -1 range on a distance of 5. If I use the division of 5. Thus a weapon with range 5, would only have 4 here.
A dense Forest would have -0.8 per range when the division is 5. That is still ridiculous high on a Forest planet. But one bush in a normal game, reducing the range by 1 isn't that much of a problem. Right?
An older approach perhaps??
In older versions, I had the player roll 5/6th for each hexagon. This was a tedious task. But the effective range would be 5 when the weapon itself had infinite range over open terrain. I often wonder if I shouldn't go back to this system. Because a lot of high d6 rolls can be combined in less d6 rolls of a lower test.
So perhaps I should return to the old ways?
No range reduction would be present.
Since the average range of that same snow world would mean 5. And the Forest world would mean 0.5.
But balancing this is still a no go. I am dealing with infinities here when looking at the numbers. The linear range reduction is.... linear. And linear is easy to balance.