Hi All!
Does anyone know of any games where the player roles are selected in a draft format, specifically on each turn?
One of the playtesters of my light dice game suggested that these roles should be chosen each round with the player in last choosing first and going up from there.
Does anyone have any insights on the matter? I think it's a great balancer and also keeps each game fresh because you're not stuck to just one role the whole game.
I actually just played my first game of Eminent Domaine a few nights ago! Solid game, quite enjoyable.
To elaborate, my game involves having players choose 2 dice to act as their role (only that role gets those 2 dice) which will then be added to other dice they choose later.
I considered bidding for them, but I also liked the idea of secretly choosing roles from a box. The person in last takes the role dice they want and passes it to the person next-to-last, etc.
What we learned in the playtest was that some roles were slightly overpowered just enough to unbalance the game. This will hopefully resolve it.
I'll check out Citadels as well. I hear about it being a solid classic but never got around to it.