Hi all, this is the first time I post on BGDF. I'm designing a strategic game with the intent to teach some basic concepts in Chemistry, and there are two types of resources involving in it - money and research.
To encourage people to use resources as many as possible each round, I want to eliminate research stock as a whole (which means that if you can't spend all research points you have, they will be taken away from you) and introduce corruption to money stock (you'll lose a portion of your money stock every round).
Does this make sense or it will drive players away?
Thanks Questccg, I thought about converting those unused research points into other stuff but I'm still testing all possible options that I could think of, and you certainly helped to make that list longer :D
In my chemistry game, each player will act like a government leading a country, and that's why instead of "taxing" I think I have to use "corruption" if I want to reduce the money stock. It is kinda weird to tax a government. But I do have a level mechanism in place to make the effect of corruption fluctuates a little bit for more fun.
I like your suggestion of reserve points, as it has so much potential other than just converting them back to resources. Currently my research points can only help players research some basic chemistry concepts, but by converting them to reserve points, I'm thinking that these points can be accumulated for temporary boost on other aspects of developments (even military strength) as well.