I have an adventure game in design about dracula's castle. One of the option I have for the board is to have a 5x5 grid where the outer circle is the castle surroundings, the inner circle is the castle itself, and the center is the inner keep.
Now that model looks pretty similar to Talisman and Relic which are 2 games I have seen but never played yet.
So the question is what is the idea or goal in those games to run around the board and then enter the inner circle? From what I understand, it's just a matter of level upping. You level up in the outer circle and when you are strong enough you jump into the inner circle.
Are there other reasons to move in or even move out of the inner circle?
In my game, my original idea was for the players to find an entrance to the castle. But once inside, the outer section is not used anymore. The problem is that the outer part of the board is actually half of the board.
So either it takes a lot of time to get into the castle, or either there some reasons to move out. For example, some events forces the player to move in an outdoor location to solve a problem. Else I could make larger tiles to reduce the number of outside location and focus on the interior of the castle.
Reducing the outer area is not much a problem. I could make bigger tiles that cover more physical space but that still count as 1 space. (ex: 4 corner section that surrounds the board).
On BGG, some people mentionned that any encounter stay on the board once encountered. That could be an interesting element I could also use, but slightly differently.
What I am considering is the possibility to move back outside for certain reason. Else, once the characters are inside the castle, there is no need for the outer board.
In talisman, the outer board is still justified because once you lose a character, you start again outside the castle to level up before getting in. Another situation is that some events kick you out of the inner ring.
Else, I was thinking that dracula could have plot cards that forces the players to move outside to prevent him from succeeding.