Howdy ya'll.
Good news is I've had a great playtest and everyone really dug the game, but needs a little TLC.
Players push their luck with dice rolls. Each player gets 3 re-rolls.
If they re-roll they add +1 token next to the minotaur deck.
When the Minotaur's turn comes up, they flip over the topmost card and it has 2 numbers on it.
Number 1: Is the number of actions the players have to sacrifice to beat to stop that Minotaur from killing a pawn this turn
Number 2: If this number on the card is equal to or lower than the number of re-rolls used this turn, then the pawn is killed instantly (the players don't get to try to stop the Minotaur).
Playing with 2-4 players increases/decreased the number of re-rolls and the number of actions (as players are allowed to do 4 actions in their turn).
I started toying with the idea of having different starting re-rolls, and number of actions for each player depending on the amount of people playing. This would also mean creating 3 different Minotaur decks so the actions and re-rolls are achievable to beat.
I.E 2 Players aren't trying to commit 6 of their actions to beat the minotaur, which a 4 player game could do quite easily.
I'm kinda scratching my head with this one - but would appreciate some advice if you are inclined.
Regards and cheers
Thanks for the suggestions!
The game is co-op. Sorry I forgot to mention.