Hi everyone!
I am designing my first game, and it’s all about set collection. The trouble I am having is assigning value to my sets for scoring purposes.
I currently have eight sets of resources to collect.
Each set I would like to have a different value although each set has the same number of resources
I am currently thinking of having about 20 resources in each set.
I would like the player who has the most resources in a given set at the end of the game to score a certain number of points, the second player to score a lower value and so on.
Do you have any ideas on assigning value to my sets?
Thanks in advance!!
Right now it's pretty much more "Suits" rather then "Sets"
I have 160 cards in 8 "suits" 20 cards per "suit"
I was thinking that the player with the most cards per suit would get say 10pts for scoring the second 9pts ect...
This way there is no "runaway-leader"
Maybe collecting a Full suit of 20 cards get a huge bonus of +10 pts.
I could also do it this way....
or with SO many "suits" only the player with the most in that suit scores points.
Maybe only one victory point awarded but there would be more chances for a tie at the end of the game.
Thanks for all the input so far.