Figured I'd make a new post. For context, everything leading up to now can be found here:
This is the version I'm going to be playtesting over the weekend. To summarize, I wasn't confident with the build I had last week so we spent the day brainstorming instead.
First, there are only 8 unique Slimes in the game. Circle, Square, and Triangle shaped Slimes have their own movement type, and Green, Orange, and Purple slimes have enhanced versions of these moves. Black and White Slimes don't move, but can be fused with for special effects.
The shape only designates how the piece moves. The color dictates what happens when a pair of Slimes fuse together. Moving a Slime into another Slime of the same color "absorbs" it, and scores minimal points. Mixing colors scores more points, and creates stronger pieces in Green, Purple, and Orange Slimes. These can capture/absorb its own color, and the two colors used to fuse it.
Fusing two colors that don't mix creates a Mudball/Black Slime. Sudz/White Slimes can be used as a replacement for R/Y/B for fusion, but doesn't score points when used. Any Slime that moves into a Mudball is absorbed instead.
To clarify, these are the core ideas I want to keep for when we play around with the game.