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Specific Tiles for Combat?

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 03/30/2015

Let me just give a bit of introduction. I'm currently working on an idea I had for a coop game where you navigate between randomly drawn tiles (think Betrayal at House on the Hill). Each tile would have a symbol or two on the corner to represent a certain attribute (for example: whether a room has a trap or can be searched for items). My main goal with these attributes is to give players reasons to backtrack or add more tiles to the map.

Here's the question though. Right now, I'm considering making certain rooms combat zones, where players can use special techniques that they can't use anywhere else (the idea being that you would abandon combat temporarily to reach a better position). Do you think this limitation would frustrate players? Add to the theme?

Joined: 10/13/2011
additional depth

I think this would add another layer of strategy to the game. The players could choose to battle on a tile at a disadvantage or move the battle to a beneficial tile; possibly at the cost of movement points or damage?

Joined: 03/30/2015
Your comment gave me a few ideas...

I've never really thought of having a combat disadvantage before. I've always thought of it as normal combat working anywhere with a few extra techniques for the specific tiles. It makes me wonder if certain enemies should also benefit from the tiles... Sounds scary!

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