Complaints, complaints, complaints.
Well, just 1 major one.
The vision in my game is a one time factor. Depending on the worst terrain that stands in the line of sight.
If it is for example a thick forest. The vision is 2/6th. Players roll 2 or 1 for a hit per projectile.
However, if the range is 2, 7 or even 15!!!. It is still 2/6th, and rolled only once, per projectile.
He didn't like this at all. And didn't understand why the rules where like that.
He suggested having this 2/6th roll per region crossed. Resulting in my friends chuckling. Since, well, we did it like that 2 years ago.
I honestly don't know how to change this, without wrecking the game balance.
These 5 options are what I tried so far, including my findings:
-Range reduction (by subtracting with 0, 1...6);
fast play
hard to balance?
yes/no fact check
-Range reduction (by multiplying with 0, 1/6, 2/6...6/6);
fast play
hard to balance?
yes/no fact check
-Damage reduction (by multiplying), rolling per region;
slow play
proven impossible to balance!
maybe fact check
-Damage reduction (by multiplying), 1 roll only;
fast play
proven easily to balance!
maybe fact check
-1 roll only + any range reduction;
moderate play
hard to balance?
maybe fact check
Of course, I prefer something logical. That is possible to balance. The play should be at least moderate. And it should be a "maybe fact check". Meaning, I want players to take a gamble. Not a simple check if it is possible to target another player.
In a sense, you are suggesting Damage reduction by subtracting.
It is strange that I didn't mention that one in the list. I went looking through my papers. To see, if I tried this in the past.
Apparently I did. And the mechanic was too extreme in a way. For a thick forest and then a snow plain. I had -4 and -2 = 6-6=0. Thus back then, I said NOGO to that mechanic.
But with these screening points, I might come up with a softer way. I don't mind using "rounding upwards/downwards" for this mechanic.
However, I need to be very careful to think something up. That can be balanced. And only uses d6.
More suggestions are still welcome.