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A survey for my game.

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PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019

I need balance feedback! I am making my game into a computer game. So I need feedback! It is about attack sequence. I didn't like this site's poll thingy, so I made a google form. If you need to learn about my game, read the thread "How many cards"

Here is the link for the survey:

Mosker's picture
Joined: 03/30/2014
Converting as well, but this thread is about your game...

(Expecting really broad answers)
How long is a play session? (Bonus round: what percentage of time do you expect players to be in the arena rather than performing other game-related activities, such as prep.)

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
A play session is

A play session is 3-5 minutes, as you would have learned if you did the survey. The prep time would be similar to Clash Royale/Hearthstone. You guys must now that I am not a board game designer, but a video game designer. This is to be published online to computers/mobile. After prepping, you can go several battles without changing anything unless you get packs, need upgrading, or a change of tactic.

Soon I will post a document with all the rules, because the original post is a little outdated.

Mosker's picture
Joined: 03/30/2014
PG-Developement wrote:A play

PG-Developement wrote:
A play session is 3-5 minutes, as you would have learned if you did the survey.

Thanks. I did start the survey, but without that info, my answers would have been too uninformed to be of any use to you and with required fields, I wasn't going to just post gibberish to get through to more important info and then go back. That would potentially muddy my thinking and your results even more.

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
Sorry about that.

Sorry about that. I'm working on a document that should have all the info you need to complete the survey. Thanks for your feedback though!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
I started to answer, but ..

I started to answer, but .. it opens with "league structure" questions which make little sense to me to be a part of a survey of designers who haven't played it.

Then the second page's question is about armor.. I was part of the "How many cards?" thread, and I have no idea. These are questions for playtesters (if anyone), and some are just things the designer should be deciding on, like the scale of the stats.

Sorry, I can't usefully finish that survey for you.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I did my best to answer...

Jay103 wrote:
Sorry, I can't usefully finish that survey for you.

Sometimes I put TBD or during playtesting, etc. depending on how I felt about the question. There were a lot of SPECIFIC questions and some with no multiple choice so I just went with my gut feelings.


PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
Sorry about that.
PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019

I will make all the questions unrequired, so that you can answer as many or as few as you want.
Here is the new link:

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019
I need more answers

Right now its just me and quest who have answered! I changed it so anyone can do it, and you dont have to answer all the questions.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Good idea to make questions optional

PG-Developement wrote:
...I changed it so anyone can do it, and you dont have to answer all the questions.

That's a good idea... Because some questions were mechanically tied to the rules and you haven't posted a rules document... So some are hard to answer.

TBH when I did it, I gave it my best... But found the survey to be TOO specific in some places.

Making ALL questions optional is a smart idea. Cheers!

Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
I just went through the whole

I just went through the whole thing, and really there was almost nothing I could answer. There are detailed design questions that I probably wouldn't answer even if I had the rules.. which I don't.

My advice is, if you want to design the game, you should just design it and not hope for other people to tell you how much effect an event card should have on gameplay or whatever.. that's design. If I wanted to design that game, I'd design it myself :)

PG-Developement's picture
Joined: 07/21/2019

Based on these answers(or not), I will post a rules document soon... However you guys must realize... This will be a COMPUTER game, not a BOARD game. The LONGEST I can think a COMPUTER game match will be is around 10 minutes for a card game, like Hearthstone. (YES, I know, Battle Royales/MOBAs can last a lot longer). But you guys have really helped me with the developement process.

PS. I might not be able to post as frequently, as college for me is starting soon. I will try my best to get a rules document worked out over the weekend.


Jay103's picture
Joined: 01/23/2018
As for game length, I assume

As for game length, I assume there will be some sort of matchmaking function. That usually means it takes a little while before a game actually starts. If your game takes 3 minutes, a pretty hefty fraction of the "game time" will be sitting and waiting.

(on the other end, if it takes too long, the chance that you or your opponent will lose connection gets higher, particularly if you don't have a good recovery system built in)

Also, remember that players need a little time to take their turns. If this game isn't trivial, you'll certainly need at least 30 seconds per turn per player.. does the game regularly end in 3-4 turns?

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