Struggling a bit with tracking these things. Basically my game is going to have some resources...
HP - No clue how to track this, as it is supposed to inrease as a player levels or uses an item or whatever.
Mana - same as above
Experience - Heroes require more experience to level each time they gain a level... I thought of using a static "path" for each player on the side of the board that heroes can move along "dots" with a small piece to track this but I dunno if there's anything better.
All of them mean very different things obviously but I'm struggling on how to track them. Energy I'm not too worried about (given the way it works in the game) but how do people usually go about tracking these things in general?
I'm looking for something elegant... not writing shit down or remembering it or having a billion cards to track it.
Anyone have any ideas or have seen any elegant systems?
Thank you. That is perfect. I can't say that I plan to copy your exact idea here, but thank you so much for helping me "break free" of that mindset. I feel like the rest of my game will be incredible but I was struggling so hard with the "RPG-esque" elements such as stats tracking that it made it impossible for me to come up with a combat system that wasn't cumbersome and boring, or that didn't rely entirely on luck.
I was working toward something similar, I feel, but the most mind-blowing breakthrough in your post for me was the Energy (or health in my case) -- Letting Health remain static and using increased "defenses" and other factors to make the character stronger...
Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to get my mind going in the right direction.