After looking back at my last post, I think I talked myself into including a dice mechanic to determine victories, but only for the players' side of a combat. Now, in the game, there are 4 different combat resources, and each player controls one of them. Each of those resources has its own "rank" (relative strength) in the combat. That being said, which dice mechanic would you find more engaging?
1) Everyone rolls the same kind of dice (e.g., all d6), but each rank has its own unique d6 results; For example:
rank 1 die has 0,0,1,1,2,2
rank 2 die has 0,1,2,2,3,3
rank 3 die has 0,1,2,3,4,4
rank 4 die has 1,2,3,4,5,6 or maybe has special icons to represent a power or special tactic.
2) Each resource has its own polyhedral dice of the typical linear progression (e.g., rank 1=d4; rank 2=d6; rank 3 = d8; etc.). Results are not specialized or unique, just proportional to the number of sides.
In either case, the number of dice rolled is dependent on the number of resources deployed. Two units of rank 1 would let that player roll 2 dice (e.g., 2d4). Three units of rank 2 would let the player roll 3 dice (e.g., 3d6). Etc. I would expect there to be a maximum number of dice to be rolled per rank.
So, considering these two different "dice options," which would rather be rolling?
Thanks for great feedback. Some other feedback off this forum has also supported d6s over other polyhedrals AND icons over just numbers or pips. As I think about production value, the other thing is that d6s of the cubic variety store much more easily too. The thing with my game is that there really isn't combat in the die rolls such that damage is occurring or that the other side is being slowly eliminated. It is one roll of dice for each set of resources per battle...if they total up more points than the victory conditions, they win. However, there are a lot of battles, so there is still lots of rolling throughout the game.
Now, what do you think about an "officer" or "commander" rank having more than just a combat value? What if one result was reroll one of the other resource's die?