Each card would recieve VA (Victory Achievment) Chips whenever a certain condition is met (conquer a region, advance tech tree, build a factory). Once the card has enough VA Chips, it is considered achieved. Achieve three out of the four cards and you win. If your dealt four cards at random and there are say, 20 cards, this could lead to a lot of possibilities and strategies to think about.
So my main questions are:
1. Any games where this has been done?
2. Should these conditions be kept secret and be revealed when achieved?
3. Is this a good idea?
@louard: Thanks for the input. Ticket to Ride was the game I had in mind for being the most like this idea... But note that you would need chips because "control 5 regions" is different than "conquer 5 regions" as the amount you control may increase or decrease, but the amount you conquered can only increase. The chips would be needed to keep track of things that can change on the board, such as destroying an army. A destroyed army gets returned to the player's supply, so there is no way of knowing whether or not you destroyed that exact amount, except for with the chips.
@richdurham: They are different, though not wildly so. VA Chips don't allow victory, getting enough to "finish" the card does. I'm a little torn right now as to whether they should be revealed or not.
@ilta: The cards each only have 1 task on them. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks to all for the feedback.
To those who find it important, the action system in the game is based on Auctioning (similar to Cyclades). At the beginning of the round, a number of cards equal to the number of players +1 (in a 3 player game) or +2 (in a four or five player game) are turned up from a deck. Each card has an action on it, such as "Attack", "Upgrade Tech Tree", "Build" or the like. Each player takes turns bidding on these cards. If you are outbid on your card, you must bid on another card. Once no one is outbid, all players recieve their respective actions, with the other one (or two) card(s) that were not bid on going to the highest bidder among cards (second highest recieves an additional card as well: Highest chooses their extra action first). Then, in the same player order, all players take their actions. The goal is to bid on actions you need to complete VA Cards, or to outbid those who need said cards.