I once read a great article about the various types of fun that exist in gaming, and I've incorporated many of them into an adventure game. In my typical thought process, however, I tend to create mechanics, theme, and rules subtleties over the actual object of the game.
I have what I believe is a slam dunk of an idea for an adventure board game that no one has touched before. I think it could sell in this era of the hobby gamer. Now there are all kinds of adventure games out there and what I want to know is "what parts of adventure gaming (regardless of genre) you find the most fun?" Consider the object of the game or end goal when answering.
What I'm ultimately trying to do is find the perfect quest system/victory condition/end goal for this design. I want it to be one of those games that has a gamer thinking up new strategies in between games, or going back to use different characters to achieve victory, etc.
I don't want to reveal the idea specifically for 2 reasons:
1. Its not been done yet and I wanna do it first!
2. I want the object of this adventure game to not suffer from genre cliches
So tell me in 1 or 2 sentences which adventure games are your favorite or most fun and point to one element that makes it so.
loss of home
threshold crossing
undoing of nature
ever dwindling resources (food, water, medicine, etc.)
Im gonna look that up