Does anyone know of card games simulating battles? I am thinking of games like "Up Front," but it is the only pure card game I know off that does it. Somebody once told me there was a card version of Stratego, but I never saw it or any other reference to it.
Card Games Simulating Battle
The Battle for Hill 218:
Lightning: (more strategic than battle?)
Fields of Fire: (lots of cardboard counters, but so has Up Front)
Although I haven't played most of those (only Up Front and Fields of Fire), so I don't know for sure if they are pure card games or come with some other components (not that Up Front do that anyway).
Why are you asking? Might be able to come up with more and better examples if we know what you are looking for.
Have you ever played WAR?
Two players.
Shuffle a normal deck of 52 cards and deal half the deck to each player.
Players (at the same time) draw one card off the top of their deck and put it on the table, face up.
If there's no match, players keep drawing their cards and displaying them.
When you have a match (each player draws a 7 for example) you have a WAR. Each player puts three cards face down and displays a fourth card. The highest card wins the war and all cards that were played up to when the war started.
Object is to get all the cards in the deck.
"card games simulating battles" is quite a broad category, so here are a few random suggestions in various genres and scales.
Battle For Wesnoth: (Fantasy)
History of War: (WW2)
Wild Guns: (Wild West)
Fighter Tac: (Space)
Vanguard Rome: (Roman)
These are all terrific. I'm glad I kept it broad :).
My next idea for a game is along these lines, so I wanted to get a feel for what's done already. Lightning and Vanguard are the closest ones, so will check those out for sure.