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College design project

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furcle gurcle
furcle gurcle's picture
Joined: 03/10/2011

Hey what up, i have never designed anything before and am a noob.

Whats a good place to start?
so far i had some ideas, only names however:

Flee from Vesuvius
A game about running from the volcano, Vesuvuis, in 79 CE

Kufu's Construction
A game about building the great pyramids

Albert Speer's Germania
A game about building Germania, the world capital of the third reich

Build like an Egyptian
Another pyramid building game

Joined: 01/31/2011
broad question has broad answer

A good place to start is at the beginning.

Realize what you're trying to do is not 'make a game'. But rather 'create an experience'. The experience is the game, the game is the experience.

You are missing the point if you lose yourself in rules and mechanics and game bits. These things are not the game. Yes they are important, but they are NOT the game. The game happens in your mind.

Escaping from an erupting volcano sounds like it could be a neat heart pounding experience. That would be a game I might like to play because I perceive a value of fun to be had.

I like Jesse Schell's book.

Above all else though, start making games. You don't need to know anything to make a game. And don't do just one. Anytime an idea pops, start another game. Your early stuff will turn out like utter crap, but eventually you may surprise yourself with the elegant creations you can come up with.

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
If you haven't designed

If you haven't designed anything before, I'd say start with what you've got- the name/concepts. Figure out what you want people to accomplish (I won by building the most pyramids, I won by having the most survivors, I won by...). Then work out how you want the players to accomplish that goal. Based on the themes, you're not targeting children as an audience, so you probably want to make sure that the players have interesting and meaningful decisions to make throughout the game.

Aside from that, I recommend learning some basics behind the standard approaches to design. is probably a good place to start.

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