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Command & Conquer Combat Card Game

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Edwin's picture
Joined: 06/17/2009

Hi all,

I'm working on a C&C Card Game and have designed a few prototype cards: -

Please let me know what you think of them. I've screenshot the orignal pc game to get the images, which iarn't at a very high resolution, so perhaps I could improve on this if there were some alternative graphics available.

I'm still working on the rules, but a quick explaination to the numbers: the top right hand corner refers to Armour/Damage against infantry/Damage against vehicles & structures; the bottom right hand cornernumber refers to the tech level of the unit.

I would appreciate any comments and criticisms.



lucasAB's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Very interesting

This is very interesting because I still play CC sometimes, mainly because there is nothing else that can stand up to it. One of the things I am concerned about is the card art. You have very good design, but I think the art could be a little more appealing. I will try to post one of my own card designs as soon as I can. I would love to get some more information about this, how it works, etc...

I think you would get more comments/criticisms if you posted more information about it. You don't have to go into detail, but explain a little bit about the goals, number of players, sequence of turn, etc...

I look forward to more posts in this topic!


Dapper Orangutan
Dapper Orangutan's picture
Joined: 09/09/2008
C&C Feedback

Since you don't have the rules posted I can only give you some loose feedback.

*Based on the text "Draw 1 card from the infantry deck" I assume you'll be using multiple decks (one for ground units, one for air units, one for structures, etc...). If so, would you randomly draw the cards from the decks or would these just be references to actual pieces on a board?

*I understand the cards are prototypes, but those backgrounds are ugly. I generally like the layout, though.

*I wouldn't attempt a faithful one-to-one translation of the PC game to a board/card game. You should pick out what the key mechanics of the PC game that make it fun are and see what you can do with those for a board/card game. For C&C I would say resource management, base building, and skirmishing.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I tried to do something like

I tried to do something like this with other the theme. The problems I had at that time is that I made some units dependent on the presence of a specific building to be placed into place. For example, need a barrack for infantry, need a factory for tanks, etc. Which mean that I had to place a lot of these buildings in the deck in order to have the requirements to place other cards. So it just flooded the deck like lands are flooding the deck in magic the gathering.

So the only solutions I can see:

1- Don't make unit production building dependent. Buildings should only give bonus or special advantages.
2- Each cards has a 2nd function which is a building type (you turn the cards upside down). So that any card or your deck can also be played as a building.

lucasAB's picture
Joined: 07/26/2008
Buildings as bonuses

I think Larienna is right, producing units should not be building dependent, building cards you draw act as bonuses. In CC building production of units can be quickened for each additional building you have, so I would usually have 3 factories producing vehicles, I could crank out vehicles much faster then the other players, but it was a costly investment to build each building(this also means if I lose 1, I still have the other ones, so it also served as protection). Something like this could be in the game, additional building cards that you collect could increase unit production(draw extra cards).

Another thing you will want is hidden armies. Your army that you have should be hidden from your opponent until he scouts for it, or attacks it. This opens up strategies like scouting rather then just conducting full-fledged assaults. Maybe you could split your army into pieces. This means your opponent will have to use more scouts for each division, but this would reduce the benefits of having superior numbers for your army.

My thoughts.

Joined: 03/04/2009
I only played C&C once, and

I only played C&C once, and it was awhile ago. If my memory serves me most of the units are realistic. Can't you just find stock photos of infantry, tanks, and barracks and use them?

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
Dingbat fonts

I found many dingbat fonts which are silhouette of modern military vehicles. It could do the job for your artwork.

Armydillo978's picture
Joined: 05/11/2009
Love the concept of C&C and

Love the concept of C&C and like the idea of a card game based off it. The graphics and background are ok, it wouldn't bother me to play with them, though go more with a CGI what you might see at Planet Command & Conquer. Or even use some of the screen captures.

During which of the story lines would the game take place?



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