BGDF has been gifted with a time machine. We only have enough fuel for one use, so we have to make it count... Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to travel back in time to destroy the game which has closed off this hobby to many an individual, a game which makes adults scrunch up their noses at the mention of "board games" like they'd smelled something foul.
We're going to kill Monopoly.
But, we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We'll make it better, faster, more strategic... what's that? All the extra cardboard has gone to other prototypes? Well, we'll just have to make do.
Mission: Design "Monopoly", a game about buying and trading land and buildings in Atlantic City.
- Your game must use all of the same properties (in the same order of value) as in Monopoly. We can't lose Marvin Gardens, let alone Boardwalk. You may arrange them on a different board, or on no board at all.
- Your game must feature a die roll.
- Your game must be a FAMILY game. Unless people add "house rules" it should play in 90 minutes or less. Upper limit on mechanical complexity lies somewhere around Settlers of Catan.
- Your game must feature the building of hotels. Our chronoscope shows that if Monopoly didn't have hotels, we'd all have to stay in Bed and Breakfasts whenever we went anywhere, which is nice, but pricey.
- Your game must feature Chance and Community Chest cards in some fashion. Our scientists have determined that these cards affect the world far more than you know.
- Your game must feature jail, a way to get into it, and a way to get out of it for free. Removing the phrase "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" from our vernacular would disrupt the timestream too much.
- Your game must feature at least one of the original player movers. Because they're cool.
- If your game is playable using a current-timeline Monopoly set though addition of only simple components (and modifying text/values) then you get THREE TIMES THE POINTS!
Post an abstract of your design in this thread (try not to steal anyone else's bright ideas). To be honest this is more of a "design prompt" than a contest, but I'll try and offer feedback on any ideas that I get!
And you are basically trying to "kill Monopoly" by making *another* Monopoly clone.
2> I think you might be putting too many conditions such as "must use dice", "must use all of the same properties", etc. If you want to design a BETTER Monopoly, maybe the game doesn't use DICE, maybe it uses ACTION POINTS, for example. I think you might get more responses (in terms of offshoots) if you remove the constraints and simply say: "Redo Monopoly (as you see fit)".
While I appreciate the aggression, I'm not saying to create a Monopoly clone. It's actually EXACTLY the opposite, which if you'd read my post with any kind of openness or creativity, you would see.
A "clone" is a game which uses identical mechanisms but different visual presentation and theme. I am talking about designing a game which uses identical visual presentation and theme, but which uses different mechanism. This is PRECISELY the opposite. It should be clear from the prompt that I'm suggesting that the base mechanisms can be changed without the visual presentation and theme being much different. Changing the mechanisms would be sufficient to differentiate the game from the current "Monopoly"
Constraints are crucial to good exercises, and being able to work within them is a great way of flexing one's design muscles. If you think a good game can't contain dice, or can't contain a deck of cards, then you're not thinking very creatively.
Also, I know about Monopoly deal. I wouldn't be surprised if the designer of that game set about designing it with criteria very similar to those I have suggested here. But, The goal of the thread isn't for someone to design a game that I can then buy to have a game which "fixes" Monopoly. The goal is to see some interesting design ideas. I will post one I had shortly, so you can understand what I mean.